Juho Korhonen Juho Korhonen

TP 3b: Reading (Bank Robbers)
Intermediate level


In this lesson, the students will first try guessing the story through visuals and then develop the story further by listening to a song "I Fought the Law" and connecting the lyrics with visuals. Then the Ss will practice deductive reading for gist with jigsaw reading task. They will use this general gist for detailed reading of the actual text. Finally, they use their information about the Bank Robbery story for productive post-reading task of preparing a storyboard for a Hollywood film.


Abc Storyboard worksheet
Abc Bank Robbery HO
Abc Wittness statements
Abc Lyric snippets of the song "I Fought the Law"
Abc Story pictures

Main Aims

  • To provide gist, deduction and detailed reading practice using texts about a bank robbery

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in the context of crimes
  • To provide clarification of court vocabulary in the context of crime news story


Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T will put 7 pictures on the w/b and ask the Ss to elicit a story from the pictures IN PAIRS in 30 seconds. Brief FB.

Pre-Reading/Listening (6-8 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

The Ss will listen to the song I Fought the Law by The Bobby Fueller Four to further engage them to develop the story while listening for gist. Then T will give 7 strips of paper containing snippets of the lyrics to different GROUPS and asks the Ss to figure out which picture on the w/b their lyric snippet belongs. The Ss will attach the lyric snippets under the right picture on the w/b and the T will elicit the story from the Ss using CCQs (if necessary). CCQs: – Who is the person in the song missing? [HIS GIRLFRIEND/WIFE] – Is he a free man to meet his girl or not? [NOT] – Where is he then? [IN PRISON/PENITENTIARY] – Doing what? [BREAKING ROCKS] – Why did he go to prison? [HE ROBBED PEOPLE]

While-Reading #1 (11-13 minutes) • To provide students with gist and specific information reading task through deduction

T will state that next you're going to investigate a crime as police officers. T will put the Ss to 5 GROUPS and will take a count to five so that in every group there are persons from number 1-5. T will scatter 5 different witness statements to different places in the classroom and ask different numbered Ss to go to read the statement of different wittnesses and discuss with other same numbered "investigators" what has happened. Time limit 4 minutes. The Ss will take the statements to their own "police department" (original group) and discuss what is the crime and how it happened. Time limit 4 minutes. FB from different groups. T will REGROUP the students and state that they are courts of justice and they have to decide if the brothers are guilty of some crime and if they are, what would be the court's decision of punishment. Time limit 1 minute. Quick FB.

While-Reading #2 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with more detailed reading task after introducing court vocabulary

T will give the Ss a "real-world" news story HO about the Bank Robbery to Ss. Ss will work IN PAIRS . First pairs will find correct explanations for underlined vocabulary in the text and then answer the questions on the HO while reading in detail. Answer key on w/b and FB.

Post-Reading (11-13 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

T will give SMALL GROUPS an A3 sized storyboard worksheet. Ss should make a storyboard for one scene of a Hollywood movie based on the Bank Robbery news story and wittness reports. First they should come up with a title, category (comedy, action etc.), actors and director for the movie. Teacher will demo this with his ready-made storyboard of a scene from one of the movie clips Cason showed on the previous lesson to the Ss. ICQs: – Are you going to make a storyboard of one scene or many scenes? [ONE SCENE] – Can you change the story or not? [WE CAN CHANGE THE STORY] – How much time do you have to finish? [... MINUTES] At the end of the lesson storyboards are put on the walls of the classroom. General FB.

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