George Chigozie Michael George Chigozie Michael

Plans for the Future
Intermediate B2 level


In this lesson, students would learn how to speak about their future plans using the appropriate tenses.


Abc handouts and slips
Abc Gap fill-out slips

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of Present and future continuous tenses and the use of 'might' in the context of Plans for the weekend and the future

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide detailed and gist listening practice using a text about about the use of 'going to' and it's differences in fast speech, questions and sentences. in the context of Plans for the future


Lead in. (5-7 minutes) • • Introduce the topic to the learners

I will draw a circle and insert the words Saturday and Sunday. I will elicit from the students what these two words represent. With the answer, I will draw another picture, this time to represent myself. I will then attach pictures of activities that I might be involved in during the weekend. I will elicit from the learners how they think think these pictures relate to my weekend. After this I will ask the students what they think the lesson is about. I will then proceed to ask them to think of their plans for the weekend and discuss these plans in pairs.

Exposure (4-6 minutes) • To elicit the rules for the use of 'might'

I will give the students slips containing conversation about future plans and the grammar rules. I will read the first conversation and elicit the grammar rule from the students. The students will will complete the task alone and afterwards they pair up to cross check I will elicit the corrects the answer and gives other examples where need be.

Text Reading. (5-8 minutes) • To help learners discover the use of the grammar rules in context.

I will give out the reading text and elicit from the students meaning of some words that may hinder their understanding of the text. The students will work in pairs to find out examples of the grammar structures that have in discussed and used in the text. E.g Present continuous for talking about future arrangements Monitor, F/B and corrections

Present language (4-5 minutes) • To elicit the correct word order

I will give the students a class activity, explain the instruction by doing the first with them. They work in pairs, and then cross check their answers with other pairs. I make corrections where there is need for one.

Practice (5-6 minutes) • To provide students will practice activities that will test what has been taught.

I will give the exercises to the students, give them the answer for number one in each activity. Students will work alone to complete the rest of the activities. When the students are through with the work I will pair them to cross check their answers. When they are done with cross checking I will check through with them.

Listening (2-4 minutes) • To practice rapid speech.

I will hand over the class activity to the students, explain the instruction to them. Play the audio while the students listen and complete the task. When the students are done, I will cross check the answers with them. After this, the students will listen again to notice the difference between the pronunciation of 'going to' fast speech, sentence and question. Students listen for a third time and practice saying the sentence fast . 'What are you going to do at the weekend.'

Further practice (3-4 minutes) • To provide students with further practice on the lesson.

I will pairs students again for this final activity. One student will give the idea of what the other student is going to, might do in the future. The partner decides which tense to use. I will do two examples with the students before they work in pairs. After I will cross check with the whole class.

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