Sinikka Sinikka

MTP 1 Lesson 6
Cycle 2-4 / A2 Coaching level


Abc baamboozle: travel & nature
Abc Google Jamboard / FigJam

Main Aims

  • Ss will be exposed to travel & nature vocab, and knows what words they need to revise for the next week and those that must be revised over the next few weeks.
  • Ss will be able to read the short vowel sounds correctly and pronounce most of the HFW.
  • Ss will practice the KET writing exam by looking at a picture and writing a sentence for each.
  • Ss will be able to identify all determiners and nouns in a sentance and use them with considerable success.
  • Ss will complete an activity similar to KET part 2 and practice reading for gist & understanding.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Ss will understand how intonation can change the meaning of a word.
  • Ss will take a mini quiz to review lesson 5.


Greeting + Last class review (15-16 minutes) • To review the homework and content learned in last lesson.

Either check the ss completion of homework in TLC time and review incorrect answers, and/or present ss with last class quiz from Dropbox lesson plan.

Mapping (2-3 minutes) • To familiarize the student with the contents of today's class.

Show student the map of class objectives and ask CCQs to make sure they understand what certain facets are.

Phonetics (13-15 minutes) • To check ss pronunciation of all short vowel sounds.

S will review phonetics chart via a game - baamboozle. ss to read some words at random. T boards all short vowel sounds and phonemes and ask ss to pronounce them isolated. Then, T boards all sight words, s organizes them into the correct category by phoneme and practices reading them out loud. T and S work together to write some sentences with sight words.

Daily Grammar Practice (4-5 minutes) • Ss will be able to identify parts of speech in a sentence, specifically: nouns (type), determiners (type), auxiliary and modal verbs.

Board 2 sentences with pictures: These children are eating a chocolate cake. Are there any boxes under the bed? T board sticky notes with the following labels: demonstrative, noun (x4), article (x2), auxiliary verb (x2), main verb, pronoun, quantifier, adjective, preposition. Give ss 1 minute to match the sticky notes with the correct parts of speech. Tell ss that x are wrong, or remove wrong answers and let ss try again.

Grammar (7-8 minutes) • To provide ss with practice modifying for noun/determiner agreement.

CP: T edits nouns and determiners in the sentences from DGP while ss edits the necessary words to make the sentence correct, ie: Are there any [box] under the bed? (is, a) There are any boxes under the bed [some]. Ss may do this orally; t writes. FP: T and S look at a picture together and practice saying sentences using different nouns and determiners. (T prompts ss, brainstorm nouns / determiners if necessary)

Vocabulary & Game (12-15 minutes) • To provide exposure to travel & nature vocab thru a game. To teach unknown vocab from comms & tech etc.

T presents previously unknown vocab from lesson 5 (comms & tech) as well as any other words T deems necessary using the 5 steps to vocabulary introduction: present flashcards; listen, repeat and circle. T dictates the words and ss spells them on board next to the corresponding picture. Then, ss recalls the words based on written definitions. Ss plays travel & nature vocab baamboozle. T notes unknown/incorrect answers to practice in the next class.

Reading for Gist and Understanding (9-10 minutes) • To provide ss with practice skimming a text and answering questions (Reading Part 2)

T presents ss with pages 2, 3, and 4 of The White Oryx. What can you see? T presents gist questions. Ss reads for 1 minute and answers questions orally. T and ss work together to identify demonstratives, nouns, and possessive adjectives and pronouns in text. Example CCQ: What does 'them' refer to? What pronoun could we use to replace Abdullah?

KET writing: A story (10-12 minutes) • To guide ss to practice writing in an activity similar to what they will encounter in the KET writing exam.

T solicits the 2 parts of the KET writing exam from the ss using the KET exam diagram established at the beginning and developed throughout MTP1. T explains that today we'll practice writing a short story. T shows ss example of a short story and solicits facets: conjunctions, adverbs of time, etc. T presents ss with 3 pictures from pages 2, 3, and 4 of The White Oryx. Ss writes a story; t and ss correct together.

Review (15-3 minutes) • To review anything t or ss deems necessary.


Set Homework & Goodbye (2-3 minutes) • To close the lesson and assure student knows what to do for homework.

Congratulate the student on their performance and say goodbye.

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