Pelin Pelin

Listening & Vocabulary Lesson
Upper Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will practice vocabulary related to a listening text that focuses on sports player, sports genes and talent. They will listen to a text for the gist and details, then they are going to continue with a post-listening activity that focuses on production of language.


Abc Handout for vocabulary and listening activities
Abc PPT for QR codes, videos, and the listening text
Abc Microphone and a card for the interviewer

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and specific information about sports gene and inborn talent

Subsidiary Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify details from the listening passage.
  • By the end of the lesson, students will be able to create a dialogue or role-play based on scenarios presented in the listening passage
  • By the end of the leson, students will be able to recall key vocabulary terms related to the topic of the listening. material.
  • By the end of the lesson, students will be able to describe the main events of the listening passage


Warmer/Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The teacher will greet the students and ask them how they are. Then she will ask: What are you doing these days? Are you watching European league? Do you like sport? Who is your favorite sports player? (The teacher will share hers first) Instructions: I want yo to scan the QR code and go to Mentimeter. Please, write your favorite sports player in 10 seconds. ICQ: What will you do first? What will you write on mentimeter? How much time do you have?

Pre-Listening and Pre-Teaching Vocabulary (6-8 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

The teacher will check students' favorite sports players and comment on them to foster engagement. The teacher will show some short videos of famous sports players. She will say: Now let's see if your favorites are in the videos . After the video, she will say: These people are talented, aren't they? Do you believe some people are born with talent for doing sport? Instructions: Now, scan the QR code and go to Mentimeter again. Then choose yes or no in for this question. The teacher will check their answers and comment on their answers. For a smooth transtition, the teacher will say : We talked about sports players. Now, let's focus on sports players more. Look at my hand. We will do this activity to practice new words for listening. Look at the bold words in the paragraph, read the sentences below, then write the words under their meanings. You have 3 minutes for this activity. ICQ: What are you going to look at? Where are you going to write the words? How much time do you have? After they complete it, they will check their answers with their pairs and the teacher will do whole-class checking.

While-Listening #1 (5 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

For during listening, the teacher will say: You chose yes or no to share your opinion about being born with a talent for sport. Now, we will listen to a text. There are two people in the listening an interviewer and Barbara Mccalum the sports player. Now let's listen to her ideas and answer the questions below. First read the questions and then listen to the text. ICQ: Are you going to look at the questions or listen to the text first? For answer checking, the teacher will ask the students to check their answers with their pairs. Then, they will do whole-class checking. Also, the teacher will pause the audio to show the answers in the text. She will also ask if they need to listen for the second time.

While-Listening #2 (7-8 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

For detailed listening, the teacher will say: Now, let's listen for the details. Read the questions and answers first. Then, listen to the text to choose best options or option. There may be more than one answers ICQ: Are you going to read the questions and answers or listen to the text first? Is there only one option for the answers? After they complete it, the students will do peer-checking and the teacher will show the answers one by one through pauses.

Post-Listening (10-15 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

For post-listening, the students will do role-play. they will do pair work and act out as an interviewer and a sports player. The sports player believes that they are not born with talent. Instructions: Imagine that you are a famous sports player, and your friend is an interviewer . You believe that sports players are not born with talent. Sports player will write his/her opinions and the interviewer will prepare some questions for the sports player. Work with your friend and prepare a dialogue. The teacher will model it: Let's model it first (The teacher will choose two students to show and explain the procedure. She will also give an example: For example, you think sports players are not born with talent. They are succesfull becase they work hard.) So, one of you will become the sports player and the other will be the interviewer and you will act out your dialogue here. I will give you a microphone and a card for the interviewer. You have 7 minutes to think and prepare your dialogues. ICQS: Are you going to work alone or with your friend? What is the sports player's belief about talent? What is the role of the interviewer? How much time do you have to prepare your dialogue? What will you do after preparing your dialogues? In the end, the teacher will write some errors on the board and give feedback to their language after pairs do role-play.

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