Lexy W Lexy W

Daily Routine


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Main Aims

  • Students will be able to recognize and understand verbs about daily routine.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Students will be able to orally produce a series of simple sentences about their daily routine with sentence starters.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T greets Ss T asks if Ss know what daily routine means in Spanish. T mimics daily routine verbs, such as to wake up or to take a shower, through elicitation.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

T explains that Ss must write/draw in the box 1-2 activities that they normally do in the morning, afternoon, and evening. T differentiates activity by encouraging Ss to write English verbs that they know and if they don't, the Ss may draw. Ss are given 8 minutes to work independently.

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

T nominates Ss to provide answers, both in Spanish and English. T writes down English verbs and its Spanish translation.

Language Clarification (10-15 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T explains that now we will cover the meaning, form, and pronunciation of the first 10 verbs regarding daily routine of Unit 6. Meaning: T and Ss write down the list of verbs. T goes down the list, eliciting Ss to answer, writing the Spanish translation. Take a shower = ducharse Go to school = ir a la escuela Wash the dishes = fregar los platos Brush your teeth = cepillarse los dientes Eat breakfast = desayunar Go to sleep = acostarse Make the bed = hacer la cama Do homework = hacer la tarea Clean = limpiar Eat lunch = almorzar Wake up = despertarse Cook = cocinar Eat dinner = cenar Form: Review: T first asks what do we add to verbs in the third person in the present simple? (-s or -es) T selects 3 verbs (take a shower, go to school, and clean) and nominates Ss to help her write the forms of the verbs, highlighting the third person (he/she/it). T helps and gives other examples as needed. Quick CCQ: With what subjects do we add -s or -es to the verb in the present simple? (He/she/it) Pronunciation: Review: T first asks what do the circles mean when we talk about pronunciation? (word or sentence stress) T models the words with clapping to emphasize word stress and drills. T models the /eɪ/ (take), /ɑ/ (wash), /iː/ (eat) sounds and drills.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Ss are instructed to look at the verbs listed to the left of the screen and are instructed to write the correct verb under each picture. Ss are to work independently for 5 minutes. T instructs students to share their answers with a partner for 2 minutes. OCFB a. brush your teeth b. cook c. go to school d. eat breakfast e. take a shower f. make the bed g. do homework h. go to sleep i. eat lunch j. wake up k. wash the dishes l. clean

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T explains that Ss will talk with a partner about 4 different activities they do during the day. T models example: At 5 P.M., I take a shower. T differentiates communicative task by explaining they can use the sentence starters listed on the board or for the more advanced learners, they can create 4 sentences about their daily routine. T breaks Ss into pairs by utilizing flexible grouping of Ss based on need/proficiency. Ss have 5-6 minutes to work in groups.

Delayed Error Correction (3-5 minutes) • To correct mistakes and improve learners' language.

OCFB, T gives FB on good language. T uses board work to correct any mistakes made during freer practice. T asks if there are any questions left. If so, T addresses them. T thanks Ss for their time and informs them they will be learning the next 10 verbs in the following lesson.

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