Luiza Luiza

Upper-Intermediate level


In this lesson sts will learn basic vocabulary differences between British and American English.They will first be challenged to remember the vocabulary on their own, then work with the new vocab in different tasks.In case sts are completely unfamiliar with some of the words more focus will be placed on form and pronunciation. First they match British vocab with American, then recognize it in 2 dialogues.This is followed by fill-in-gaps writing practice. After that sts perform a task of changing the vocab questions to British in written form, and ask and answer the same questions in pairs.


Abc hand outs with word definitions
Abc hand outs for matching words
Abc Text with the target language
Abc handouts for writing
Abc images
Abc flags
Abc questions for speaking practice

Main Aims

  • To give sts review of vocabulary in the context of differences between British and American vocabulary

Subsidiary Aims

  • To give sts practice in speaking for fluency in the context of differences in British and American vocabulary


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • to set the context into language differences

Put the pictures of flags of Britain and England, and Turkey and Azerbaijan (neighbouring Turkey and sharing a very similar language) next to each other on WB. Ask sts to discuss in pairs what connects each pair of countries. Give sts 1-2 min.Elicit the word 'language' and emphasize the fact that even though the language shared by Britain and US is the same , there are certain differences. Show images of the target lexis and ask the words, place them on WB if the sts know the word (either Brit or Am word). Put the rest on the table and keep in mind which things sts don't know.

Presenting new vocab (4-8 minutes) • to introduce new vocab to sts

Chest the hand outs, tell sts to match British Eng words to the Amer. and tick the ones they don't know.Deliver hand outs. Observe sts while they are doing the task. Note if they have problems in order to work more thoroughly on them. Tell sts to check in pairs, then in groups of 4. Deliver the answer key. to sts If sts have problems with any o the words, write them on WB, explain the meaning, check the collocations and pronunciation.

recognizing the target language (3-5 minutes) • to give sts an opportunity to recognize the target language

Give sts instruction to read the hand out and determine whether the speakers are Americas or the British. Ask ICQs, Give sts 1-2 min, ask them to check their answers in pairs. Get the fb, ask sts to explain their answers.

writing practice (8-10 minutes) • to check how well they understand and remember the new vocab

Regroup sts. Devide sts into 2 groups. Delıver handouts wıth the wrıtıng actıvıty.gıve ınstructıons. Sts check their work with their groups. Monitor sts, give them the correct answers to check their work. Tell sts that now they should ask each other for the other natıonalıty word as opposed to what they have wrıtten.For example ıf they wrote an Amerıcan word, now they ask their partner for a British equivalent, and vice versa. In pairs sts should ask each other "What is the Br word for "a bill"?" Show a model with one of the student.

Speaking practice (15-17 minutes) • to give sts speaking practice using the target language

Give sts instruction to change the words in the task from Am,to British Eng. Tell them to check in pairs. Then ask sts to discuss the questions with their partners. Get the feedback. Write down mistakes sts are making. After the discussion, carry out delayed error correction.

extra activity (3-4 minutes) • to check how much sts have learned

Show images of the new vocab used at the beginning of the class. Ask the whole class for both Br and American words.

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