Gökçe Gökçe

Real TP lesson plan
upper-intermediate level


Abc a ball/paper
Abc Coursebook
Abc Padlet
Abc Presentation

Main Aims

  • Students will be able to use a lexical set related to sport correctly
  • Students will be able to talk about sports issues
  • Students will be able to understand people discussing a book about sport and talent

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of vocabulary about sports in the context


Stage 1 (Warm-up/Lead-in) (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

- Throw the ball and ask "What is your favorite sport?" - Students throw the ball each other by asking the same or a different general question.

Stage 2 (Presentation) (8-10 minutes) • To introduce the target vocabulary before activities

- Show pictures - Ask questions about picture which represent a word Do you have any idea what it is? Do you think what word it is?

Stage 3 (Vocab: Finding similar meaning) (4-6 minutes) • To draw attention to the vocabulary of the unit in the context

- Read the sentences - Find a word that have similar meaning - Check answers together

Stage 4 (listening part a) (5-7 minutes) • To provide input about related vocabulary and topic

- Ask some questions about sports gene - Listen audio - Discuss with your partner - Answers are checked together

Stage 5 (listening part b) (4-5 minutes) • To provide input about related vocabulary and topic

- First read the questions - Listen the audio - Compare with your partner

Stage 6 (listening part c) (5-6 minutes) • To provide input about related vocabulary and topic

- First read the questions - Listen the audio - Compare with partners - Check together

Stage 7 (listening part d) (6-8 minutes) • To provide input about related vocabulary and topic

- Listen the audio again - Discuss the answers with partners - The last question is written on Padlet

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