James Lewis James Lewis

TP 2
Pre-Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will be reviewing the use of future tense, specifically the use of "going to". As it is a review lesson it is fun and activity orientated!


Abc Future Tense Questions
Abc Selection of Printed Words
Abc Future tense cheat sheet

Main Aims

  • Grammar

Subsidiary Aims

  • To give students semi-controlled speaking practice to develop accuracy


Lead in (4-7 minutes) • Make a link between the last lesson and this one

I will ask the students very quickly what they remember about Matt McKay from the last lesson and highlight the fact that we are going to be revising the future tense "going to" in this lesson.

Warm Up (10-15 minutes) • Get the students warmed up and energised!

In the first section of the lesson I will combine some practice with some energy generation; I will use the selection of Printed Words to create the below sentences incorrectly and perhaps with a word or two missing, I will stick it to the board and ask a student to come to the front to correct it. 1. I am going to carry on singing 2. I'm definitely not going to forget my real friends 3. What kind of music are you going to play? 4. I'm going to learn Turkish this year 5. I am going to go on a diet 6. Look at those black clouds, it's going to rain 7. I am not going to an english lesson tomorrow 8. I'm going to learn English because my teacher is fantastic A prize can be implemented for the students who get it correct!

Exercise 2 (10-15 minutes) • Give the students some written practice in the future tense using "going to"

Give the students the HO with exercise 2 on it and go through the questions with them as a whole class, then ask them to pair up with the person sitting next to them and ask them all to write down a personal answer to each question (one answer per couple). Give them around 5 minutes to complete this task whilst monitoring the pairs carefully to make sure that they are generating their own answers and discussing it in english! After they have all completed one answer to each question get them to read their answers out, once they have read the answer out ask them to read one of the questions and select a student to answer it, repeat for a couple of minutes correcting any mistakes as they go.

Exercise 3 - Semi Controlled Practise (15-25 minutes) • To give the students practise in written and spoken forms of "Going to"

Give the HO and go through it with the students, it should only take a minute to explain how it works and have them familiar with it as it is revisiting this topic. Ask the students to give ideas on what they could put into column 4 additionally (i.e. next week, for your next birthday etc.) and once around 10 are agreed on by the class (removing the written ones in favour of the class decisions) ask them to go back into their pairs and come up with answers to all the questions, write them down. To conclude this portion and the entire lesson give the students the squeeky fish and get them to ask a question out loud and then throw the fish at the student who needs to answer, after answering the same student will pick a question, throw the fish toward the student who needs to answer and so on until the end.

***Optional*** A little more controlled practise in using the 'Going to' form of future tense (10-20 minutes) • To give the students more examples of "going to" and extending this into a more natural conversation

Give the students the HO and quickly go through the questions in column one, then explain that they need to form a question using the "going to" phrase. They will do this in pairs. Give them 5 minutes or so to form as many questions as they can, after this time check their questions are correct by going through them with the whole class. Now they will all stand up and walk around the room to find someone who can answer yes to the question in the first column and then ask the second question and make note of the answer.

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