Natalie Hideg Natalie Hideg

Art and Music - Grammar
Pre-intermediate level


In this lesson, students will learn about the past continuous tense through the topic of Art, and through speaking activities. The students will begin with a warm-up where they will need to speak in pairs about a time when they did something cultural. We will refer back to the text that they read in the previous lesson to find examples of the past continuous, and they will speak in pairs to complete the sentences. After learning the grammar, if we have time, students will test their understanding through a game at the board. They will complete two quick controlled activities to ensure that they understand the difference between the simple past and past continuous. They will then be drilled on past simple pronunciation, and lastly, do a speaking activity related to the warm up.


Abc Pre-intermediate Coursebook/Global/Lindsay Clandfield/Macmillan

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of the past continuous tense in the context of Art

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in pairs in the context of art


Warm-up (4-5 minutes) • To get students talking about a more personal experience with Art

T asks Ss to describe the last time they did something cultural. Modeling: When I lived in Paris, I went to museums all the time. My favorite museum is the Louvre. The last time I went was in December. It was a rainy day, so I wanted to stay inside. I saw the Mona Lisa, the venus de Milo, and I met a friend of mine. We chatted for a little bit, and then she left. I didn't buy any souvenirs, not even a postcard. Instructions: 4 minutes to talk about their experience in pairs. FB: What experience did your partner tell you about? T asks two or three students WC.

Speaking ex. 1 (7-8 minutes) • To recall vocabulary learned in previous lesson, to introduce the grammar

T tells Ss that we’re going to look again at the texts they learned about in previous lesson. Instructions: Complete the sentences orally with a partner, answering from memory. Try to recall any other information you learned earlier. T gives students handout with sentences. FB: Once majority of students have finished, Ss now check their answers with another group. T asks students to read their sentences. Check with class after each one - is this correct?

Grammar ex. 1 (10-15 minutes) • To teach the grammar point, student practice

T draws regular/irregular columns on the board + list of verbs. A. Put them in the correct category – regular, irregular (individual, 30 sec) AFTER they do that, then: B. Put verbs into simple past (individual, check with partner, WC FB) T draws timeline on board. Explain when we use SP and PC. T refers to sentences on the board – what is the most important information in each sentence? Which sentences are NOT in the present simple? Why? T draws grammar box. Form: Subjet + to be (past=was/were) + verb + ing Ss help T fill in the box with the verb WORK. T divides students into half: group 1 on the left, group 2 on the right. Instructions: One student from each side comes to the board. T says (1) subject and (2) verb. Ss conjugate verb into (+), (-) and (?) in the Past Continuous (T writes categories on board.) The first to finish gets a point.

Controlled ex. 2 p.137 (4-5 minutes) • To practice the Past Continuous

Instructions: Underline the correct answer, work individually, 2 minutes. FB: Ss check answers with partner. Go over answers as WC.

Controlled activity - Grammar ex. 3 (5-6 minutes) • To check their understand between simple past and past continuous

Ss do exercise individually. Once finished, Ss check with their partner to see if they have the correct answer. FB (WC) – one student reads each sentence, T asks why they selected which tense (ask about main information vs. background information).

Prounciation ex. 3 (5-6 minutes) • To drill pronunciation of simple past

T lists verbs on the board. What is the difference between the ED sounds in each of these verbs? T asks Ss to place verbs under the correct category based on its sound. How do you know where they go? T elicits the letters from them, and fill in the ones they don’t know. t, id, d sounds • We pronounce / t / after voiceless sounds: / p /, / k /, / s /, / f / and voiceless / th / sound Asked, finished, worked • We pronounce / d / after voiced sounds: / b / , / g /, / v /, / z/ , / m/ , /n /, / l /, / r / , voiced / th / sound and all vowels. Listened, discovered, loved • We pronounce / id / after / d / and / t / sounds. Hated, needed, started, wanted Drilling: Do each word separately, first in bigger groups, then individually. Once we’ve drilled all the words, T picks words and students at random to drill.

Speaking practice (5-6 minutes) • To practice the grammar in a more personal context

T evokes warm up activity. We’re going to talk again about our cultural experiences, but using the past continuous. T asks students to recall her example. T then models new example with PC tense, emphasizing actions being interrupted, and the use of when and while. Example: Last December, when I was in Paris, I went to the Louvre. While I was visiting the impressionist wing, I saw a friend of mine. We were chatting about Monet and Renoir when she told me she had to leave. Later, while I was buying a postcard, I realized that I had no money. So I bought nothing. Instructions: In pairs Ss do the same thing. 5 minutes. FB: In groups of 4, Ss check sentences for PC tense. After, do WC FB, put incorrect sentences on the board, sentences overheard while monitoring.

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