Ebrar Caliskan Ebrar Caliskan

Grammar: Will/Won't/Shall
Upper-Intermediate level


In this lesson, students learn about expressing future plans using "will," "wont," and "shall" through guided discovery and interactive activities. Students work in pairs to complete grammar activities that help them understand the usage of "will," "wont," and "shall." Following this, students collaboratively discuss about their own future plans. The lesson concludes with feedback and error correction based on the students' activities, and a quick "popcorn" activity where students rapidly state the usage of "will," "wont," and "shall." This structured approach ensures that students actively engage with the material, practice the target language, and receive constructive feedback on their progress.


Abc Coursebook (Empower Pre-Intermediate)

Main Aims

  • Enable students to accurately use 'will', 'wont', and 'shall' to express future plans and decisions.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Enhance students' speaking and listening skills through interactive pair work and class discussions about future plans.
  • Develop students' ability to infer and predict future scenarios through visual prompts and discussions.
  • Expand students' vocabulary related to future planning and decision-making.


Warm-up (2-3 minutes) • To engage students

Ask them how they're doing today and what their plans are after the class.

Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context

Show them pictures and ask questions to lead them to the topic of future plans. Show them a picture where they can interpret the word "future" and ask them "What do you think this picture is about?" Do the same with the word "plan" and lastly show them a picture of a person planning something and before ending the activity ask them "What do you think our topic is?"

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through activities on the book

In pairs students will do activities, 2.a and 2.c. Students will check the answers together.

Controlled Practice (3-4 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

In pairs, students will do the wordwall activity about the usage of "will", "wont", and "shall". The activity was taken from the Grammar Focus p.151.a

Free Practice (7-9 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Firstly teacher will show students the guidelines from the Grammar Focus p.150. And give students some example prompts to inspire them and ask them to discuss about their future plans with their pairs and share it with the class.

Closing (0-1 minutes) • To smoothly wrap-up

Teacher ends the lesson with a "Popcorn Time" activity, asking students to tell the usage of "will", "wont", or "shall" within 5 seconds.

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