Pelin Pelin

Vocabulary Lesson
B1 level


Abc Matching activity handout
Abc Prompt for collaborative writing and ChatGPT
Abc Ring for collaborative writing activity
Abc Mentimeter Word Clouds for Semi-Controlled Practice

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of -ed and -ing adjectives

Subsidiary Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, students will be able to describe -ed and -ing adjectives.
  • By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use -ed and -ing adjectives in sentences.
  • By the end of the lesson, stuents will be able differentiate the -ed and -ing adjectives
  • By the end of the lesson, students will be able to develop a story by using -ed and -ing adjectives


Warmer/Lead-in (3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students and activate their prior knowledge about adjectives of feelings

The teacher asks students : How do you feel today? What did yo do at the weekend? How did you feel? For a smooth transition, the teacher says: Now, I want to change your feelings today. Scan the QR code on the smart board and open the youtube video. You will see some people in the video. They are doing sports but these sports are dangerous. Turn your phone to the left and right then think about how you feel and think about 3 adjectives to tell your feelings and write on these paper. (The teacher will give 3 pieces of paper for each adjective). (The teacher will model the activity to show how to use their phones and experience VR video.) ICQ: Are you going to scan the QR code or write 3 adjectives first? Are you going to turn your phone to the left or right? How many adjectives will you write? Are you going to write them on the same paper? The students will fold their paper and put it in the box provided by the teacher. The teacher will choose a student and ask her to : choose a sheet of paper from the box and try to guess the students (the teacher will model it with a student) ICQ: Are you going to choose 1 or 2 sheet of paper? Are you going to guess or write?

Presentation & Checking Understanding (8 minutes) • To present the words with contextualized definitons

The teacher writes one example on the board from the students' examples and adds -ing with underlined version: While Elif was watching the video, she was frightened. Elif thinks that skiing is frightening. Then, she explains the difference between -ing and -ed adjective by asking such questions: Which adjective describes how she feels? Which adjective describes the thing that makes her feel like that? In order to teach more adjectives, the teacher will use a PPT to present meaning with a context and pictures, form and pronunciation. The teacher will use whole-class and group drills for pronunciation. After each word, the teacher will ask CCQ such as Which adjective describes how he/she feels? Which adjective describes the thing that makes her feel like that? for checking their understanding

Controlled Practice (6 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

The teacher and the students will do matching activity for controlled practice. Instructions: Now, let's see how much you learned these adjectives. Look at the handout. There are pictures and sentences. Look at the picture and read the sentences below and choose -ed adjective or -ing adjective according to the sentence. You have 4 minutes. ICQ: Are you going to read the sentences first? How will you choose -ed or -ing adjective? How much time do you have? The teacher asks the learners to compare their answers with their pair and check the answers as whole-class checking. She also asks students to validate their answers by asking CCQs.

Semi-Controlled Practice (6 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

The student will scan the QR code and write the suitable -ed adjectives according to the situation. The teacher will show word clouds on the smart board and ask CCQ questions for validation in answer checking. Intructions: Scan the QR code on the board and go to Mentimeter. Write the sentence on the screen and write suitable -ed adjectives according to the situation. You have 20 seconds for each sentence. ICQ: What are you going to scan? Where are you going to go? Are you going to read first and write an -ed adjective? How much time do you have for each sentence?

Free Practice (8 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

The teacher will ask students to write a short story with the prompt provided by ChatGPT. The teacher will write a prompt on ChatGPT and ask it to provide a sentence for a short story: Hello ChatGPT I'm a pre-intermediate CEFR level English learner. I want to write a story by using -ed and -ing adjectives. Can you write the first sentences of the story for collaborative writing? Use annoying and annoyed at first. Please use simple words. Each student will contribute to the story with one sentence and use -ed and -ing adjectives in the story. While they are writing, the teacher will ring the bell for the next student's turn. After they complete it, they will share it on Padlet and the teacher will give online feedback. A sample text by ChatGPT: One morning, Emily was feeling very annoyed. The loud music from her neighbor’s apartment was annoying and had been playing all night. She tried to ignore it, but it was too loud. Intructions: Now, let's see your creativity! I want you to write a story with -ed and -ing adjectives you learned today. I will give you a sheet of paper. But, we need ChatGPT's help. I will open ChatGPT and write "Hello ChatGPT I'm a pre-intermediate CEFR level English learner. I want to write a story by using -ed and -ing adjectives. Can you write the first sentences of the story for collaborative writing? Use annoying and annoyed at first. Please use simple words." It will give me the beginning of the story and you will continue the story by using -ed and -ing adjectives. Each student will write 2-3 sentences and use -ed and -ing adjectives. I will ring the bell after each 30 seconds and the next student will be the next writer. You have 8 minutes for this activty. After you complete the story, please write it on Padlet and I will give you feedback online. Please look at the example first and start. ICQ: Are you going to write a story or poem? What are you going to use in the story? What will you do when I ring the bell? How much time do you have? What will you do after completing the story? If the students cannot complete it on time, they will use google documents for collaborative writing at home. They will send the link of the story to the teacher for feedback.The reason why I haven't chosen googe documents for writing at the classroom is that if all the participants see the sentences on Google docs, the students who will contribute at the last minute will have a lot of time for thinking, which is not fair for other students.

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