Sinikka Sinikka

MTP 1 Lesson 3
Cycle 2-4 / A2 Coaching level


Abc Google Jamboard / FigJam

Main Aims

  • Student will revise family & friends vocab and know what words they need to practice in upcoming weeks.
  • Student can write two sentences about what they see in a picture.
  • Student can read 50 word simple texts aloud with some teacher support. Teacher can measure student's lexile level.
  • Student can produce the short i sound and can produce the plural and ed suffix.
  • Student can spell HFW correctly related to Short i vowel sound
  • Student can use articles correctly as well as the zero article and demonstratives.
  • Student will review the irregular verbs in lists 5 and 6, know the meaing and be able to conjugate them in the past simple.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Ss will review content from lesson 2 in a mini quiz.
  • Student will be exposed to prepositions expected at the A2 level. They will be able to identify them in a sentence and practice assigning grammatical labels at a word level.
  • Student understands how intonation can change the meaning of the word.


Greeting + Last class review (15-16 minutes) • To review the homework and content learned in last lesson.

Greet the student and ask how they are, what time it is, and how the weather is in where they live. Either check the ss completion of homework in TLC time and review incorrect answers, and/or present ss with last class quiz from Dropbox lesson plan.

Mapping (2-3 minutes) • To familiarize the student with the contents of today's class.

Show student the map of class objectives and ask CCQs to make sure they understand what certain facets are.

Phonetics (5-6 minutes) • To review the use of short i sound and HFW.

Go to the slide with the title SHORT I and phoneme /ɪ/. Solicit the sound from the student. If they don't know, board the word FISH with photo and solicit word. Ss repeats, holding out vowel sound: fi-i-ish. Ss reads the words on the short i list and T checks for pronunciation. T solicits short i sound in isolation: what sound do all these vowels share? HFW: T boards 6 sentences with the following sight words highlighted: give, giving, live, been, pretty, and gym. T explains that these words share the same short i sound and solicits the sound. Ss reads the words, holding out the short i sound, and circles the grapheme that represents the sound.

Phonetics 2 (3-4 minutes) • To revise the -ed pronunciation with short i phonemes.

Board the following verbs with their equivalents in French: want, wait, start, end, hate, need, paint, pretend, taste, sound. Tell ss these are regular verbs, and solicit how to put them in the past. (-ed) T asks ss to read the verbs in present and past and checks pronunciation. T solicits the last sound in the present: t or d. T explains that in this case, the short i phoneme is used as well.

Daily Grammar Practice (4-5 minutes) • Ss will be able to identify parts of speech in a sentence, specifically: nouns (type), determiners (type), and prepositions.

Board 2 sentences with pictures: That dog was running in the park. This dog was sleeping on the sofa. Give the students various sticky notes: singular demonstrative (x2), auxiliary verb (x2), singular noun (x4), main verb (x2), article (x2), preposition (x2). Give ss 1 minute to match the sticky notes with the correct parts of speech. Tell ss that x are wrong, or remove wrong answers and let ss try again.

Grammar (13-15 minutes) • To guide ss to use demonstratives and articles correctly with un/countable nouns and plural.

Board concept tree: determiners --> articles, demonstratives, poss. adjectives, quantifiers. Highlight the first 2 categories and tell ss we'll practice using these today. Articles: Start with example sentences. What's this? It's a banana. Who's that? He's the teacher. What's this? It's sugar. What are these? They're plates. What are those? They're glasses. Use pictures/arrows to lead ss to see the difference between 'here' and 'there' concepts. CCQs: Identify articles and quantifiers. Ask CCQs to lead students to determiner/noun agreement. Change various factors of the sentence and ask ss to correct the corresponding noun/determiner, ie: aN orange, IT's a plate, etc. Controlled Practice: Correct the mistakes with demonstratives and articles in the sentences. Production: Practice asking and answering simple questions with student using family and friends, home, food vocabulary: What's this in French? What are those in English? etc.

Vocab & Game break (8-10 minutes) • To evaluate ss knowledge of friends & family vocab. To expose ss to some common prepositional phrases.

Test: Play Baamboozle: friends, family, house & prepositions. Mark incorrect answers. If time, teach incorrect answers using 5 steps to vocabulary introduction.

Writing at sentence level (6-8 minutes) • To guide ss towards writing a complex sentence about a picture.

Show pages 1 and 2 of the white oryx. Discuss: T asks ss, What can you see? If ss doesn't know how to respond, t can provide some prompts: white, animal, truck, or ask CCQs: What are those? Is he a man or a woman? Etc. As ss responds orally, write key words on sticky notes on jamboard. Then, ask ss to write a sentence about the 2 pictures. Guide ss to integrate adjectives, articles, quantifiers, and prepositions.

Reading for Understanding and Stamina (6-8 minutes) • To test the student's lexile level at the beginning of the year and allow ss to practice scanning.

Show the second page of The White Oryx. T explains to ss that they will take a quick test to see how fast they can read, but that they should try to pronounce the words as best they can (no pressure - don't rush!) Ss reads the text and T times them and notes their time. Then, T explains that ss will read in a different way. T presents 3 questions with easily identifiable information in the text and asks ss to find and circle the answer. Ss attempts to answer using a full sentence.

Review Irregular Verbs Lists 5-6 (10-12 minutes) • To identify unknown irregular verbs (meaning and/or form) to practice.

Present ss with irregular verbs list 5 and 6 and ask them to say the verbs (isolated) in French and conjugate them in the past simple (English.) If they cannot say the verb in French, put it in context (try to recycle vocabulary and structures from the lesson) and ask again. Mark the verbs on the list as green (w/o context) yellow (in context) or red (unknown) for further practice.

Extra if time: Review all unkown irregular verbs from lists 1-6 or teach unknown vocab. (10-0 minutes) • To provide ss with practice using irregular verbs/vocab through a game.

Write sentences in English, and give ss the reigns. T must choose the correct french verb out of 3 options. If ss is capable of correcting T, they win points, but if they make a mistake or don't know, T wins points.

Closing (2-3 minutes) • To close the lesson and assure student knows what to do for homework.

T congratulates ss on their performance and assures ss knows what to do for homework.

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