TP #: 2A | Verbs + -ing form
Pre-Intermediate level
Main Aims
Grammar: To review the use of verbs + verb-ing.
Subsidiary Aims
To give sts semi-controlled speaking practice to develop spoken accuracy.
To give sts practice in reading and listening for specific information.
Procedure (35-45 minutes)
Hang visual print-outs of verbs and verb phrases to be used for lesson on the white board (can't stand, don't mind, enjoy, hate, like, love, don't bother, prefer, spend time, waste time). Refer to WB plan for layout. Ask the students Q1: "I think most women would disagree but, I hate shopping for clothes. Raise your hand if you agree with me." (Gesture to raise hand). Ask sts "How do you feel about shopping?" Refer to visuals on white board to elicit answer. CCQ: Refer to verbs on white board, & ask WC to come up and arrange verbs/verb phrases in two categories- left side if they think it is a positive feeling & right side if they think it is a negative feeling. Give them 2 minutes & check answers & define as necessary. Repeat Q1 X1-2 sts (make sure you ask male and female). Ask sts if they think women enjoy shopping more than men.
Split the class in two- men on one side of the room, women on the other. Chest HO with exercise 1 on it & give instruction: "As a group, complete the statements with Men or Women as you think appropriate". ICQ: "Who are you working with on this? --everyone in my group" Give each side one HO to complete exercise 1 as in GW (make sure this HO only has an enlarged exercise 1 on it so as not to distract them with the rest of the exercises yet). Give them 2 minutes & then check answers verbally. Direction: "OK time is up, let's check answers. Women- give me the answer to (a) with the full sentence." Rotate Female to Male to read off the answers so they can practice speaking lexis. CCQ: "So, you like shopping?" to male. --No I can't stand shopping"
Give full HO to students as they take their seats & group them to make 6 small groups. Make sure HO is folded under exercise 2. Chest HO and instruct sts: "Look at exercise 1 & 2. Work with your group & underline all the verbs & phrases that are followed by a verb in the -ing form". ICQ: "What are you underlining? --verbs & phrases followed by -ing form." If they look confused, do 1.a as WC (underline "can't stand shopping") to show example. Give them 2 minutes while you write a-f with blanks on the board, then ask each group to come up to the WB & write one of their answers next to the corresponding letter (see WB plan for layout). As you check GW answers with WC, CCQ: "What is the verb/verb phrase in this sentence? What is the -ing form?"
Pair sts up: "Now, you will work with just 1 partner." Chest HO and show exercise 3: The Interviews of Russell & Billy. Instruction: "There are 12 mistakes in this exercise where a verb or verb phrase should be followed by an -ing form. Correct the mistakes on your HO." ICQ: "How many people are you working with? --1 person." Give them 5 minutes, make sure to give them warnings "2 minutes, 1 minute" as you monitor to keep them on track. CCQ: "Who made the most mistakes? The Interviewer, Russell or Billy?"
Inform students you will be playing a recording for them to check their answers from exercise 3. ICQ: "What are you listening for?-- mistakes from the interview" Play the recording for students to listen and check their answers. CCQ: "What is Billy's favorite shop to go into? Why--Billy loves listening to music, so music shops are his favorite." CCQ2: How does Russell feel about supermarkets? --Russell hates supermarkets so he doesn't bother going." CCQ3: "What does he do instead? --He does his shopping on the internet." Ask students if they know any men with similar attitudes towards shopping like Russell or Billy.
Pair sts up. Chest HO and direct them to the Interviewers' questions in Exercise 3. Instruct them: "For the next 3 minutes, take turns asking your partner the questions from exercise 3. Practice using your verb + -ing forms as you answer." ICQ: "Where are you getting your questions from? --Exercise 3". Give a 1 minute warning as you monitor and when the 3 minutes are up, get FB from WC and do error correction if they are having any problems with verb + verb -ing. CCQ: "How do you feel about coming to this English class? -- I _______ coming to this English Class."