ecmel ecmel

Pre-Intermediate level


Abc Gap-Fill Activity
Abc Plickers Handout
Abc Decks of Cards

Main Aims

  • Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of grammar rules related to modal verbs 'will' and 'shall'.
  • Students will be able to apply their understanding by using modal verbs appropriately in practical scenarios.
  • Students will be able to pronounce the words correctly.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of will and shall in the appropriate scenario


Lead In (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

- The teacher will have two questions on the board. - The students will think about the questions individually for a minute. ( "What are some common ways we make promises in English?", "How do you offer to help someone in English?" ) - The students will work with their groups to share their ideas about the questions in two minutes. - The students can share their ideas with the others in the classroom after the discussion.

Exposure (2-4 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

- The students will listen to the audio and complete the 2a Grammar part. - Before checking and listening to the audio the students will read the questions to understand what they will hear about it.

Clarification (1-3 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

- The students will check the pronunciation of the words with the audio. - The teacher will demonstrate the sound of the words and write some similar words to show the pronunciation difference.

Controlled Practice (2-4 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

- The students will complete the 2f part for the practice of their pronunciation. - The students will check the answers together discussing with their pairs. - After discussing the answers, the teacher and the students will check the answers together.

Semi-Controlled Practice (3-5 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

- The teacher will open the plickers for the practice of the input. - The students will have papers to answer the questions. - The students will complete the answers to practice the functions of the 'will' and 'shall'. - The teacher will check the answers of the students to make sure that the students understand the concept.

Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students environment to use the input

- There will be three decks of cards in front of the students. - Two students will come to the board. One of the decks has some scenarios, one of them has some words and the last deck has some usages of the shall and will. One of the students will pick the scenario card and the other one will pick from the other two to respond to the scenario according to the given word and function. - The students should be quick since they have 10 seconds to make the sentence.

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