Sinikka Sinikka

MTP 1 Lesson 2
Cycle 2-4 / A2 Coaching level


Abc Jamboard / Figjam

Main Aims

  • Ss will review the irregular verbs in lists 3 and 4, know the meaing and be able to conjugate them in the past simple.
  • Ss will review the concepts of plural nouns and un/countable nouns. Ss will be able to identify articles, demonstratives, quantifiers and possessive adjectives in a sentence and edit them for noun correspondence.
  • Ss will be introduced to KET listening 1 + 2 and understand the expectations and skills necessary for each.
  • Ss will be able to identify in reading and use vocabulary related to food.
  • Ss will review short e sound production with regular verbs in the third person and past simple.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Ss will review content from lesson 1 in a mini quiz.
  • Ss understands how intonation can change the meaning of the word.
  • Student will be exposed to auxiliary and modal verbs at A2 level. Students will be able to identify them in a short sentence. Student will begin to practice assigning grammatical labels at word level.


Greeting + Last class review (15-16 minutes) • To review the homework and content learned in last lesson.

Either check the ss completion of homework in TLC time and review incorrect answers, and/or present ss with last class quiz from Dropbox lesson plan.

Mapping (2-3 minutes) • To familiarize the student with the contents of today's class.

Show student the map of class objectives and ask CCQs to make sure they understand what certain facets are.

Phonetics (5-6 minutes) • To review the use of short e sound and HFW.

Go to the slide with the title SHORT E and phoneme /ɛ/. Solicit the sound from the student. If they don't know, board the word BED with photo and solicit word. Ss repeats, holding out vowel sound: be-e-ed. Ss reads the words on the short e list and T checks for pronunciation. T solicits short e sound in isolation: what sound do all these vowels share? HFW: T boards 6 sentences with the following sight words highlighted: any, many, says, again, read, very, head. T explains that these words share the same short e sound and solicits sound. Ss reads the words, holding out the e sound, and circles the grapheme that makes the short e sound.

Daily Grammar Practice (4-5 minutes) • Ss will be able to identify parts of speech in a sentence, specifically: nouns (type), determiners (type), auxiliary and modal verbs.

Board 2 sentences with pictures: She is eating the toast. We can buy an apple. Give the student various options on sticky notes: single noun, uncountable noun, subject pronoun (x2), article (x2), main verb (x2), auxiliary verb, modal verb. Give ss 1 minute to match the sticky notes with the correct parts of speech. Tell ss that x are wrong, or remove wrong answers and let ss try again.

Grammar (13-15 minutes) • To review nouns in the plural, un/countable, and teach 4 types of determiners.

Transitioning from DGP, review nouns: First, solicit meaning of can buy (photos and money). We can buy an apple. CCQs: ask student, how many apples? (1) how do you know? (an) What happens if I change the word apple --> apples? (you must change the determiner) Solicit options for articles, quantifiers, demonstratives, possessives: 0 article, the, some, these, those, my/your/etc. by asking CCQs or using French equivalent?) Solicit meaning with timeline. When? (right now.) She is eating the toast. CCQs: Can I add an 's' to toast? Why not? (uncountable) What can I replace 'the' with? Solicit: 0 article, some, this, that, my/your/etc. by asking CCQs or using French equivalent. Controlled practice (easy): write 10 sentences and ask ss to identify different types of determiners by highlighting in different colors. Controlled practice (difficult): Cloze sentences such as, Not ______ potatoes, these potatoes! with photos to highlight meaning of determiners. Ss takes 2 minutes to complete, read outloud and check.

Vocab & Game break (8-10 minutes) • To provide ss with a less intensive activity and review education, measurement, and food vocab.

Review unknown words from lesson 1 using flashcards: listen, circle, repeat on board. Then, T writes 3 words and asks ss to read them. T removes 1 word and asks ss to write the missing word. Finally, play a memory game.

What is the KET listening exam? (4-5 minutes) • To review expectations of KET listening parts 1 and 2.

Tell ss that there are 4 parts to the KET (A2) exam, and each is worth 25% of the grade. Solicit parts, and say today we'll look at speaking. Write numbers 1 - 5 below and highlight 1 and 2. Show ss examples of KET 1 and 2 from Mock 1 and solicit what they are expected to do.

Review auxiliary and modal verbs (8-10 minutes) • To familiarize ss with aux/modal verbs and help comprehend meaning and use.

T asks ss: Do you remember which verbs were auxiliary and modal in our DGP? (can, is) Are they the main verb? (no) T explains that these 'helping' verbs modify the original verb. (show photo of helping hands. T explains that while auxiliary verbs modify the FORM, modal verbs change the MEANING. Solicit base form of each verb: eat and buy. Highlight how 'eat' --> 'eating' with is, and it's possible to remove 'can' from the sentence: but what happens? (solicit missing 's' in 3rd person.) Controlled Practice: Present ss with list of 10 relatively simple sentences in +, - and ? with auxiliaries and modals (with a helping sentence for meaning, ie: I can = I know how to, You should = it's a good idea to...). Ss identifies auxiliary (underline) or modal (circle) verbs.

Review Irregular Verbs Lists 3-4 (12-15 minutes) • To identify unknown irregular verbs (meaning and/or form) to practice.

Present ss with irregular verbs list 3 and 4 and ask them to say the verbs (isolated) in French and conjugate them in the past simple (English.) If they cannot say the verb in French, put it in context (try to recycle vocabulary and structures from the lesson) and ask again. Mark the verbs on the list as green (w/o context) yellow (in context) or red (unknown) for further practice.

Extra if time: Sentence transformation (14-0 minutes) • To review the basics of transforming a sentence to - or ? using auxiliary verbs.

Test: T recycles sentences previously used in class and asks ss to put them in the +, -, or ?. Teach: Revise mistakes and highlight, give ss the chance to self-correct, then teach 'hidden auxiliary' in simple tenses, modal modifications, etc, depending on ss errors. Test: Provide 5 new sentences and ss transforms them.

Set Homework & Goodbye (4-5 minutes) • To close the lesson and assure student knows what to do for homework.

Remind ss of TLC Time if necessary. Congratulate the student on their performance and say goodbye.

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