Murat Turk Murat Turk

Emergency Workers
A1 (Beginner) level


This lesson begins with a review of the language from the previous lessons followed by a reading task in the context of Emergency workers. Flashcards will be used to elicit and drill for pronunciation of the various jobs and workers that are outlined. The activities will include matching the text with the photos (which will be displayed on the WB) and completing a blank chart with information provided in the text.


Main Aims

  • To introduce and give practice in the lexical set of jobs.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Reading / Review personal information language from previous lessons.


Lead-in (8-10 minutes) • Review previous lesson

Spend 8-10 mins reviewing some of the language from previous lessons, reiterating some of the more salient points from the lesson the night before. I will summarise all the information from Kyle's, Sibel's and Mohammad's presentation.

Presentation (10-12 minutes) • Elicit vocabulary

Introduce the theme: Lead-in to Emergency jobs through visuals, mainly via the Pictures/photos on the WB and get the students to participate in identifying each of the photos with the text, also posted on the WB.

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