Nasrine elhassani Nasrine elhassani

People and possessions, adjectives
Elementary - A1 level


In this lesson, students learn about adjectives, their opposites and where to place them in the sentence. The students also learn to talk what is important to them through reading and listening to a short conversation.


Abc Pairs of opposite adjectives images
Abc Opposite adjectives images HO
Abc Word cards
Abc Answer key
Abc Sally's & Bill's dialogue
Abc SB - U2a - pp 14 - ex 2-4
Abc WB - U2a - pp 10 - ex 2
Abc Pictures of Bill and Sally

Main Aims

  • To introduce & extend the Ss' knowledge of basic adjectives, their opposites, & how to use them in sentences through the context of describing personal possessions.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Listening to a short dialogue about two people talking about their important possessions.


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage Ss

Do a quick review of the Ss' names and introduce myself.

IntroducingVocabulary (8-10 minutes) • Ss should learn some adjectives and their opposites.

- T shows Ss one of the pictures pairs and elicit the adjectives and their opposites. - Ss should be able to match the pictures with the words referring to them. - Check pronunciation. Drill the vocab.

Controlled Practice (5-7 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

- T gives Ss the HO with pictures and they should match the picture with the opposite word. - While the Ss are working, T puts the pictures on the w/b. - Early finishers match the pictures with the opposite words. - Check ans. with w/c. - Drill vocabulary if needed.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning and form (very+adj.+noun) of the target language

- T demo WB - U2a- pp 10 - ex 2 by writing a correct sentence and an incorrect one on w/b. Elicit the correction. - Ss ans exercise in pairs. - Check against ans key. - Check Ss know the words "before, after, plural". - Ss do SB - U2a - pp 14 - ex 2 in pairs to check that they can place adjectives correctly in sentences. - Check ans with WCF. - Demo how to put a jumbled sentence in order at the w/b. - Ss finish the exercise in pairs. - Use ans key to check.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and give students more practice

- T shows Sally's and Bill's picture. - Elicit some things Ss can see, and what they do they think is important to both characters. - Listen to recording R2.1. - Ss check ans in pairs. - Take w/c FB. - Ss ans SB pp 14 ex 4, to find the false statements, in pairs while listening again to the recording. - Check with w/c and get Ss to correct false statements.

If-time activity (5-7 minutes) • To practice pronounciation

- Get Ss to talk about important possession of theirs and use some adjectives to describe them

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