Sinikka Sinikka

MTP 1 Lesson 1
Cycle 2-4 / A2 Coaching level


Abc Google Jamboard / FigJam

Main Aims

  • Introduce myself and student, complete First Class Report and assess ss knowledge of KET vocabulary and grammar (specifically nouns and determiners.)
  • Student will be introduced to all the KET vocabulary and will know which lists they will be studying in MTP 1. Student will be able to recognize and use some of the following vocabulary: food, education and measurement. student can produce the short a sound, the 3 forms of -ed suffix and practice spelling the corresponding sight words. student will revise irregular verbs list 1 and 2, know the meaning and be able to conjugate them orally in the past simple. Student can identify a noun in a sentence and transform it into the plural.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Student will review the difference between regular and irregular verbs.


Introductions (7-10 minutes) • Ss and teacher get to know each other

T prepares a short 1-2 minute presentation about herself. T and ss play a quick game of 2 truths and 1 lie. T presents ss with prompts about school, hobbies, family and friends, years learning English, etc, and ss answers.

First Class Report (12-15 minutes) • To orient the student to the expectations of the course. Teacher will get a feel for the student's level, needs, strengths, and other important personal factors.

Check ss previous course / history learning English. Discuss ss overall goals for English, A2 exam dates, year's calendar, concept of MTPs and 10 learning goals. Student knows they will be evaluated in 6 weeks with the PPR. Explain reschedule policy and how to contact me through roundcube. Set homework expectations - every day, and introduce TLC Time. Ensure ss knows where they can find materials in PDF; create a file on the computer.

Mapping (2-3 minutes) • To familiarize the student with the contents of today's class.

Show student the mind map of class objectives and ask CCQs to make sure they understand what certain facets are, ie, what is pronunciation? what is a short a sound? can you give me an example of a noun? etc. Ask easy questions so as not to overwhelm the student, and if they don't know, assure them it's okay. Ask student if they have any questions about the class plan.

Phonetics (3-5 minutes) • To revise the short a sound and the sight words.

Go to the slide that says 'SHORT A' with the phoneme /æ/. Ask the student if they can produce the short a sound. If not, show a picture of a cat. What is this? Check pronunciation. Ss repeats, holding out the short a sound: ca-a-at. Ss reads the words on the short a list. T checks for pronunciation. T solicits short a sound in isolation: what sound do all these vowels share? T writes LA- and HA- next to the 2 pictures, and ss says the short a sound. T solicits spelling of 'laugh' and 'have' helping student where necessary.

Phonetics 2 (10-12 minutes) • To revise the 3 different pronunciations of ED endings. What is a regular verb?

Ask ss: What is a regular verb? Solicit that a regular verb is a verb that ends in -ed in the past. Show example of 6 verbs: play, kick, wait, dance, cry, talk with photos to assure meaning. Write a sentence: 'I play tennis' present affirmative.. Then ask student how to put it in the past. T writes, using a timeline to assure student understands the concept of present and past. Write 5 more sentences in the past with remaining verbs. Pronunciation: read 2 sentences, one with /t/ and one with /id/ as they are the most obviously different. Ask student if they hear the difference between want/ID/ and finish/T/. Solicit what sound they hear. Then, set example with /d/ ending and board 3 categories on FigJam. Read sentences out loud and student organizes the verbs according to pronuciation. Ss practices reading sentences with correct pronunciation.

What is an Irregular Verb? (12-15 minutes) • To review meaning and form of irregular verbs list 1 and 2.

Remind ss that we just looked at regular verbs, and that in the past, they end in -ed, although it can be pronounced differently. Board the verb HAVE from list 1. Solicit a sentence from the student to check meaning. Then ask the student to put it in the past. CCQs: Is it I haved lunch yesterday? (no) Solicit that irregular verbs have different forms in the past tense, and that they must be memorized. Present ss with irregular verbs list 1 and 2 and ask them to say the verbs (isolated) in French and conjugate them in the past simple. If they cannot say the verb in French, put it in context (write a sentence: at this stage, write sentences using various countable, uncountable, and different types of plural nouns with various determines to recycle at the next stage) and ask again. Mark the verbs on the list as green (w/o context) yellow (in context) or red (unknown).

What is a noun? (3-4 minutes) • Make sure ss knows what a noun is, and how to put nouns in the plural, 4 rules.

Set example using one of the sentences from irregular verb practice, ie: She made a cake. Ask student what the noun is. If they don't know, explain a noun is a thing or an idea. Ask again. Then change 'a' for '2'. What else do I have to change? Set another example, ie; We bought the candy. She had a knife. You were in class. Solicit noun, transform to plural.

Vocab: Food and Education, measurement (15-20 minutes) • To expose student to all KET vocabulary required before December. To begin practicing education vocab.

Show ss KET vocab list and explain this is the vocabulary they will need to learn this year. Mark lists to be covered in MTP 1. Play a game with education & food vocab (baamboozle) to evaluate ss knowledge. Mark unknown words to review in next class.

Extra if time: Review countable & uncountable nouns (15-0 minutes) • To expand on the notion of nouns in the plural.

In the categories of food and education, rewrite the sentences in the singular and plural with countable nouns (pizza, cake, candy.) Then, present an uncountable noun, such as bread. CCQs: ask student, can I say 1 bread? Why not? solicit the difference between countable and uncountable nouns. Board 10 words and ss sorts them into the 2 categories. If time, introduce the concepts of articles and quantifiers: explain that 'the' and 'a' are articles, that '2' and 'some' are quantifiers. Controlled Practice: ss fills in the blank with the correct articles and quantifiers.

Set Homework & Goodbye (4-5 minutes) • To close the lesson and assure student knows what to do for homework.

Share screen & show TLC time again. Explain that the ss parents will recieve a link to the site and reiterate the importance of daily practice. Congratulate the student on their performance and say goodbye.

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