Canan Sevimel Canan Sevimel

Teaching Practice 6
Intermediate level


In this lesson students will learn related lexis about natural events and how to describe their feelings about disastrous events through guided activities. Then they will practice listening for specific information in the context of a specific natural event - hurricane.They will also do speaking activities through controlled and freer practice. The source book is English Unlimited - Intermediate WkBk, pg 20 & 23.


Main Aims

  • To provide students with clarification of related vocabulary about natural events and give practice in functional language as to how to talk about the feelings after a natural event.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide students practice in listening for specific information and speaking through a freer practice.


Lead-in (5-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I will write 'Natural Events/Disasters' on WB and give one example like tsunami. Ss will tell which events/disasters they know.

Highlighting (6-7 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language about natural events and a controlled practice for coming receptive and productive tasks

Ss read the definitions and match them with the pictures of natural events by working in pairs/groups in 3 minutes. I nominate Ss and they tell the answers and write them on WB. Other Ss state if they agree.

Highlighting (5-6 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming receptive and productive tasks

Before going to next stage I pre-teach lexis which they will use for the next activity such as irritated, starving, chuffed, nightmare. Some CCQs like Does it bother me? Yes, or Is it something nice for me? No. Am I happy with the situation? Yes. Do I need to eat something now? Yes. Is this dream nice or bad for me? Bad. Tell their part of speech. Show stress, model and drill.

Functional Language (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with practice about necessary lexis about feelings after a disaster and ability to use them in this context.

Ss read the sentences in ex-4 and complete them with a partner in two minutes. Then We will listen to a record about the experiences of a boy called Matt in a hurricane. Ss check their answers whilelistening to it. I nominate Ss, they come to the WB and write their answers. Others state if they agree or not.

Freer Practice (10-13 minutes) • To provide Ss with an opportunity to practice what they've learned.

Ss think about a natural event they previously experienced or they saw in the news or newspaper. Or they simply try to make one up. They, in groups, talk about it and how they felt during the event using the vocabulary and sentences they learned. While they are doing so, I monitor them and note down the mistakes they've made. After they finish, they will try to self correct the mistakes and I will clarify.

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