Tony Gunstone Tony Gunstone

Anthony Gunstone. TP5 - Function Speaking - 'used to" Then and Now
Per-Intermediate level


Then and Now. To effectively teach students how to use "used to" to describe past habitual actions or states.


Abc Google Docs/Forms/Slides

Main Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a Function in the context of "used to" describes a habit or situation which was true in the past, but it is not the same now.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification of language used for Clarifying the meaning and usage of "used to" in the context of then and now


1. Lead-in (5 minutes) • To engage student about then and now

Engage the students by displaying images representing then and now and ask a series of questions about their past experiences using "used to." Lead them into a discussion about past habits and experiences.

2. Meaning Exercise (10 minutes) • To provide students an exercise for meaning and form

- Provide an exercise where students complete sentences with "used to" to describe past habits or states. Students complete this individually. - OCFB - To discuss their answers and check for comprehension. - Check the form and pronunciation.

3. Speaking Activity (20 minutes)

- Pair-speaking activity: Assign students to find a partner and ask each other questions about past habits using "used to." For example: "What did you use to do after school when you were young?" or "Did you use to have any pets?" - Group discussion: Encourage students to share interesting responses and examples from their conversations with the class.

4. Speaking Task on Target Language (10 minutes) • To provide students a speaking task to practice TL

- Instruct students to work in pairs and share something they used to do in the past. - Provide a framework for sharing: "I used to [activity] when I was [age]." - Monitor and provide feedback on pronunciation and usage.

5. Feedback and Delayed Error Correction (5 minutes) • To conduct a DEC

OCFB - To conduct a group discussion to share interesting stories using "used to." - Provide delayed error correction by highlighting common mistakes and guiding students in corrections.

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