The hotel, the alphabet, numbers, and spelling names
Beginner level

Main Aims
To provide controlled speaking practice and listening for specific information in the context of making hotel reservations
Subsidiary Aims
To review the pronunciation of the alphabet and practice the present simple tense.
Procedure (40-49 minutes)
It is a whole class activity. Write the letters on pieces of paper and hand them to the students randomly. Spell a word and the student who hears his/ her letter stands up and sits down. The student who has the last letter of the word says the word. If the word has the same letter twice, for example, they stand up and sit down twice.
In this listening, page 15, students listen to two people arrive at a hotel. They are asked for their names. Pre-teach these words on the board: a hotel, a reservation, a room, a receptionist, and welcome. You can teach the students that "last name" means "surname" or "family name". Track 21 script: R=receptionist T=Tom R: Hello. Welcome to the Berlin Palace Hotel. T: Hello. I have a reservation. R:What's your name, please? T: I'm Tom and this is Katy. R: What's your last name? T: Crewes. R: Excuse me, Cruise? T: Not the actor. My name's C-R-E-W-E-S. R: Ah. Play the recording for the students and ask them to choose the names they heard and let them answer the question in ex. 3.
1. Put the students in pairs and let them say the letters shown in ex. 1. Monitor while they are practicing and correct any false pronunciation. Play the recording for the students to check pronunciation. 2. Show the students how the letters can be classified according to their vowel sounds' articulation, but do not go into phonetics because it would be difficult for them now. Then you can play the recording or demonstrate the the exercise yourself. 3. Ask the students to look at the exercise and let them discuss the different pronunciations in pairs. Then, play the recording for the students to choose the correct name. 4. This exercise can be mingled with ex. 3. 5. Tell the students to look at the Registration Form and ask them to spell the names. Play the recording for them and let them correct the false information on the Registration Form. Track 25 script: 1 M=man R=receptionist M: My name's Crewes. R: How do you spell your last name? M: C-R-E-W-E-S. R: Oh. Thank you. 2 R=receptionist V=Victoria R: Welcome to the Berlin Palace Hotel. V: I have a reservation My name's Victoria Bickham. R: Excuse me? Beckham? V: No. Bickham. R: How do you spell your name? V: B-I-C-K-H-A-M.
1. Play the recording or demonstrate it yourself for the students to listen. They can repeat after you once or twice. 2. Ask some students to spell their first and last names as a whole class activity. 3. Have the students role play. Give an English name to every student and ask them to work in pairs: one students spell the name and the other writes it down, then they swap the roles.
Students learn the numbers in an actual life conversation. 1. Let the students read the numbers written in this exercise then play the recording Track 27 or say the numbers and they check. You can focus on the different stress patterns in numbers like "thirty" and "thirteen". 2. Let the student read the names on the list and you correct the pronunciation. Then, play the recording Track 28 and let them complete the exercise with the numbers next to the names. Track 28 script: Name Room number Tom Crewes 14 Mrs Bickham 17 Mr and Mrs Wood 20 Camilla Parker 11
1. Play the recording and tell the students to listen. Then, you can say each line of the conversation and the students repeat after you. 2. In pairs, students prepare their own conversation and practice it. After they finish, some of them can perform it to the whole class. Focus on the useful language.
Tell the students that they are going to practice how to make a hotel reservation and spell their names. Divide the class into pairs, each pair you have student A and student B. Make one copy of page 167 for each pair. Hand out A1 to student A and B1 to student B. Give them the instructions and let them start working. Student A is the guest, they ask for their reservation, and student B is the receptionist. After they finish the role, give them A2 and B2 so that they swap the roles.