Bella Bella

Bella, Movies
Intermediate, B1 level


In this lesson students will listen to the interview with the woman named Dagmara who was Steven Spielberg's interpreter in the film Schindler's List.


Abc cards with words related to cinema context
Abc A photo from a student's book
Abc a photo of Steven Spielberg
Abc question handouts (pre-listening)
Abc question handouts (while listening stage)
Abc Handouts with answers to the pre-listening and while listening activities
Abc Tape script (part 1)
Abc Tape script (part 2)
Abc handouts with headings

Main Aims

  • To provide both detailed listening and listening for specific information using a text about interview with Dagmara who was a Spielberg's interpreter in Poland in the context of movies

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification of the words from the interview. Review and practice some lexis they learned on the previous lesson in the context of movies


Warmer/Lead-in (6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The teacher will review the vocabulary the students have just learned. It's going to be a backboard activity. The students will work in groups and explain the words that will be attached to the board. The words are related to the cinema topic which is going to be the main context of the lesson.

Pre-Listening/ Predicting (8 minutes) • To encourage top-down processing and prepare students for the text and make it accessible

The students look at the picture from a Schindler's List film set and in pairs they have to decide what questions they would like to be answered. The teacher writes down the first question to show them how to do the activity and the students must make up 3 more questions. Then he elicits those questions that the students created and writes them on the board. Before they listen to the text the teacher per-teaches several words from the text: courage, to pinch, a masterpiece. Then they will listen to the interview and find the answers to the questions they have made up.

While-Listening #1 (8 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information listening tasks

After listening to the text once the students will work in groups of 4 and check their answers. Before starting listening to the text for the second time the teacher hands out questions they are going to find answers to. They read the questions and then they listen to the text again and while listening they can make some notes which help them discuss them. At this stage they work individually. If they won't have all the answers they may listen to the text once more or they will get the tape script . It depends on how many students will cope with the task. Then they work in groups and check their answers. The teacher hands out the answers when they come to the same conclusion. The teacher may also give them the tape script if they find this text difficult to understand.

While-Listening #2 (10 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference istening tasks

The students are going to listen to the second part of the interview. The teacher writes down some headings on the board. The students read them and the teacher explains that they will listen to the second part of the interview and they must make some notes to each heading while listening. When they finish listening they will work in groups and discuss each heading. Then they are divided into two teams, they come up to the board and write fill in the paper with the information they have. Then two team check each other answers (peer check). If it's necessary the teacher will give them the tape script.

Post-Listening (8 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

The teacher writes down the following question on the board: "Have you ever had a challenging experience? if you had did you succeed or fail?" They work in small groups and share their ideas. Then the teacher rearrange the students into new pairs and they tell their partner what they have learned about their group-mates. In this case they may review reported speech.

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