gulnar gulnar

Question forms with how and what
Pre-Intermediate level


In this lesson students will learn and practice how to ask correct questions with how and what.


Abc Gap fill reading
Abc Jumbled sentence handout

Main Aims

  • to introduce and practise question forms with how and what

Subsidiary Aims

  • to provide practice of reading for specific information


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • to generate interest and set the lesson context

Stick the pictures on the board first and then, put up the following questions: What is IDENTITY THEFT? What are typical examples? Ask Ss to discuss these questions in pairs. Elicit a few ideas from them as they finish. At this stage don't make any comments whether they are right or wrong .

Gist reading (4-6 minutes) • to develop reading skills for main idea

Ask Ss to read the text very quickly and check their predictions. Ask SS to compare their ideas with the same partner before sharing with the whole class. Then, ask a couple of Ss randomly if their guesses were correct.

Noticing new grammar (4-6 minutes) • to help Ss to see a new structure

Have Ss in pairs guess the missing question words without unfolding the paper. Prompt some question words for them. Ask SS to unfold the handout. Have them individually fill in the gaps with the correct question word. Get them compare their answers in pairs before checking with the whole class. Monitor and help if necessary.

Presenting new grammar (8-10 minutes) • To help SS to understand new grammar

Write some sample sentences from the text on the board. Leave the question words gapped and elicit answers from SS. Then, write two more sentences on the board one with how and the other with what (How old are you? What colour are your eyes?) Try to elicit from the students the differences between these two sentences and the words they are followed by. Make a stress on the point that how is usually followed by an adjective and what is usually followed by a noun. Give SS time to think of two more sample sentences for each in pairs.

Controlled practice (3-5 minutes) • to check SS' comprehension of new grammar

Give Ss the handouts. Ask them to work individually and put the words in the correct order to make questions. Set them time limit of 2 min. After they have finished ask them to compare their answers in pairs. While they are checking the answers in pairs put up the answers on the board as an alternative to oral feedback.

Freer practice (8-10 minutes) • to provide freer speaking practice of question forms

Give each student a sticky note and give them time to write down 7 pieces of information answering the questions in the previous exercise. Remind them that they should not indicate their names on the paper and ask them not to show their notes to each other. Take in the notes. Stick them on the board and ask each student to take one identity, making sure that everyone has a new identity. Make it clear that SS understand they are the person on the paper and they should give the answers that are on the paper. Model the activity first, pretending to be one of the students.Now ask Ss to mingle and ask questions to find the person who has stolen their identity. Monitor and make note of mistakes to be discussed later on the feedback session. Put them on the board while the SS are in the process of doing the activity.

Feedback (2-4 minutes) • to make SS be careful with the use of target language

Elicit the corrections for the sentences written on the board.

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