Salem Ali Salem Ali

Salem Ali *TP#6 / Grammar ; can/can't in the meaning of possiblity
Elementary level


In this lesson sts will learn the modal verbs (can/can't) in the regard of meaning (possibility), pronounciation and form through a context of 'Holiday USA'.Sts will notice the meaning of possibility of (can/can't) by answering (ex6a ) and they will notice the form by answering (ex6/b&c).After that, sts will listen to the CD to notice the stress and weak forms of (can/can't) and practise pronounciation by doing (ex7&8).Sts will practise speaking using (can/can't) by answering (ex9).If time allows they will do (ex10)


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Main Aims

  • To provide review and practice of Can/can't in the meaning of possiblity in the context of Holiday in USA

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a Conversation in the context of H
  • To provide gist and specific information listening practice using a text about holiday activities


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Show two pictures of 'Superman' and a 'baby' and ask students about things that the people in the two pictures can/can't do.CCQs: is it possible that bay cries? Yes,it is Can the baby cry? Yes,he can . Can he drive a car ? No, he can't .Can Superman fly ? Yes, he can. Is it possible for him? Yes, it is. Ask them to come to the WB (2 groups) and write the verbs they hear from me in the form of(I can/can't "verb") (competition game) and who finishes first will be the winner .

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Wtire 2 sentences on the WB : We can go on a boat trip/You can't stay on the island .Ask sts where the verb is in the first sentence.Is it a main verb? Is there any other verb? the same will be done with second sentence

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify and review the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Meaning: sts answer ex6a and fill in the gaps (can/can't).CCQs : Is it possible that we go on a boat trip? Yes. Can we do it? Yes.Is it possible to stay on the island?NO.Can we stay?No. Form : sts answer ex6b in pairs then WCFB.CCQs : What do we use for positive sentences? Can .What do we use with negative sentences?Can't . Sts put words( from HO) in order to form non-wh questions with (can) and use short answers. Check in pairs. Pronouciation : Emphasise the weak form of (can:/kən/) and the strong form of (can't :/kɑːnt/) . Model it then drill.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Sts listen to the CD and answer ex7a.Check in pairs.Sts listen to (R8.3) and answer ex7b .WCFB.Sts listen to (R8.4) and answer ex8

Semi-Controlled Practice( speaking) (8-10 minutes) • To practise speaking for fluency

Show sts 2 different pictures of things can/can't be done in Yellowstone Park and they should make questions about them.Each group asks the other.

Semi-controlled practice • Extra practice of speaking for fluencuy

Sts individually choose a place of holiday and keep it secret. Each one answers ex10b then in pairs ask each other using can/can't about the sentences in ex10b

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