Foroogh Foroogh

Intermediate level


Abc Global Intermediate course
Abc Vocabulary sheet
Abc Grammar focus sheet
Abc Grammar sheet

Main Aims

  • To review and practice the form and word order of questions with different verb types and tenses

Subsidiary Aims

  • To review vocabulary from previous class and give students speaking practice in the context of discussing cultural cities and interests.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Put these words on the board which are parts of a disordered sentence: today/I/happy/am/to teach/you.Ask the students if they think the sentence is in a correct order or if it looks correct. Ask them to put the words in the correct order and tell you the correct sentence. When they did write the correct sentence on the board, underline I and tell them this is the subject of the sentence, do the same for the words am, happy and teach

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Show the students the grammar sheet(pg.11) in your hand, explain that these questions are not in the correct order like the words on the board. Remind them these questions are from the interview about Sibiu in the listening part. Ask them to work in pairs and put the words in the correct order to make the questions. Then pass out the papers. While they're answering walk around to monitor students and to help if they need any.

Highlighting (8-10 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

When they did, ask them to read the questions and write each correct sentence on the board. Try to draw their attention to different parts of the sentence like modal verbs, to be verbs, auxiliary verbs by asking some questions e.g Is the sentence past or present? How do you know it's past/present? What is the verb/subject in the sentence? Where does the to be/auxiliary verb come in the sentence? Is it before or after the subject? etc. write this on the board and keep it to the end of the grammar part: modal verb: can,may,will to be verb: am,is,are,was,were auxiliary verb: do,does,did,has,have Then ask the students to look at part 2 on their paper, explain they should work in pairs read the rules and decide which rule is used in each question from the previous part.Give them some time, then check their answers.

Controlled Practice (5-7 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Ask the students if they know about the city Amman. Try to elicit any information they have about this city. If they don't explain about the city yourself e.g It is in Jordan which is an Arab country. Do you think it's a capital of culture? Has anyone visited Amman? etc. Then show them the next part on their grammar sheet, explain that there are some questions and answers about Amman, They should work in pairs, read the answers and write the questions. Monitor them While they answer then check their answers. While checking ask some CCQ s about the grammar point they learned. e.g : Is the sentence past/present? What is the verb or subject? what kind of verb is it? Where is the auxiliary/to be verb? Then pass the grammar focus sheet(pg.132,133) as some extra practice but explain that they will do it themselves at home for more practice.

Vocabulary Practice (8-10 minutes) • To focus on vocabularies they had in the previous part and to be able to make new phrases with them

Show them part 1 in the vocabulary sheet in your hand,say these are the words they had in the listening part. Pass out the papers. Have a brief review of the first column by asking some questions, giving some examples if needed. Then ask them to work in pairs and match the words of the first column to the words of the second column. Give them time then check. While checking explain the meaning of the words on the second column by giving examples if necessary. Then ask them to do the next part. They should decide which phrases are in connection with Sibiu and which ones with Brasilia according to the listening part. When they did check their answers. If time allows ask some CCQ s e.g : give me an example of a cultural event in Turkey, Can you buy cheap clothes in a designer boutiques? etc.

Vocabulary checking Practice (3-4 minutes) • To check their understanding of the vocabularies and phrases

Teacher asks which one of these do you think is very important for a city? Which one is interesting for you? or what else more than these? Ask some individuals ( instead of working in pairs) to give their ideas.

Speaking (10-11 minutes) • To make the students able to communicate by using words and phrases they have learned and be able to talk about a particular city or a capital of culture using relevant vocabularies

The teacher starts with: I want you to choose a city or a country you really like to visit or have visited before. and ask some individuals what city they chose. Then write your own city on the board and write what ever you can write about it using the words of previous part, e.g: ancient monuments, tourist attraction, inhabitants,etc. Then ask them to do the same on a piece of paper and tell them to include any kind of information about its history or culture. While they are making notes write these on the board: I'd like to tell you about....... It's in the north/east/center of...... famous for its architecture/restaurants/music. Does the city have an international airport? How is the weather? Are there any museums? After they made their notes ask them to work in new pairs to talk about the city they chose using their notes and start with the sentences which are on the board(teacher can start herself to give them the clue) and the other student will listen and ask 3 questions about the city their partner talked about and then they will swap roles. Monitor them while they are working in pairs.

Follow up • To have a practice on what they have learned

In the case of any extra time ask the students to do the grammar focus sheet (which they were given for more practice to be done at home) in the class room.

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