Muayadbas Muayadbas

People who changed the world, Past simple: Wh=questions
Elementary level


On this lesson students will learn about the simple present: wh- questions in a History- Makers and facts context. The lesson starts with photos of famous people and famous places and a list of their names. Students will come to match them. The main aim of the lesson is to practice the past simple: wh- question and new vocabulary words.


Abc Whiteboard
Abc Handout
Abc Audio
Abc Slips
Abc Cards
Abc Pictures

Main Aims

  • To expose the Ss. to practice the Past Simple: Wh- questions in the context of reading and answering questions on History -Makers and famous people.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To expose students to read questions and discover the new vocabulary used in the texts.


Warmer/Lead-in (2-2 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage studentsand

Teacher says: 'Historical places', 'History makers' twice. Teacher invites sts to repeat the two phrases chorally after him twice. Teacher stops and turns to the WB and puts two pictures on the WB representing the words: 'Historical places' & 'History makers' and slips with the words for sts to match them. sts match the pictures to these two words. Teacher uses another picture

Exposure (6-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Teacher models one question and one answer. 'Ataturk' picture on a strip on the WB, and Q: [What] ....[did].... Ataturk ....[do]....? A: 'He .....[build/built] the Turkish nation.' with the words here between brackets cut off, then put those pieces together to formulate the TL: 'What-QW', 'did-aux.', 'do-M.V.' Ex. 7a-on a table: Teacher puts the pictures and the facts randomly on the board after cutting them to pieces and slips. sts are invited to come and match as many as possible and post that on the WB. Teacher provides answer key for sts to check.

Highlighting (4-5 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

After checking answers, teacher highlights by: Teacher says another questions, but takes out some words for sts to fill in and highlight the TL on the board. How ….[did]…. Aysoun …..[come]….. to ITI? She ……[come/came]….. by bus. Where ….. [did] ….. your parents ….. [study] …..? They ….. [study/studied] ….. in Istanbul. In this way, the TL is highlighted.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Quick revision of the Simple Past Forms, example write the present forms of some verbs on the board. In groups the students write the simple past of these verbs. Go ... went come... came Fly ... Flew Live ... Lived Become .. Became Ex.9: In groups, students use cards and slips to make 5 questions and put them on the board. [What/where/when/why] +did+ subject+ do? Listening: Students listen to check their answers.

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

PW: Sts write answers to the questions above. Teacher monitors the sts to check that their answers are correct. Teacher collects the slips and shuffles in the table. Teacher models the next activity: Teacher hold one slip of answer and shows the students. He mimes-read the answer. Teacher makes the right question for that answer for students to carry out the activity and practice making as many questions as possible. [8 min] Students close they eyes and choose a slip at a time. They go around the class and try to find the person who wrote that answer, by asking the right questions. Answer: 'My parents met at the university' Question: 'Where did your parents meet?' The winner is the student who makes the most questions right and finds the most people who wrote the questions. Teacher monitors the sts to check that their answers are correct.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Students role play an interview with each other about past events. Teacher models the activity for students to prepare (5 min) Radio show! Telephone call!

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