khaizarann elhouni khaizarann elhouni

Fashion victim, models of obligation (present time).
Pre-intermediate. level


In this lesson, students will be exposed to new clothes vocabulary and modals of obligation (present time). The lesson will start with eliciting information from the students about some pictures related to fashion, followed by some questions to discuss. Later students will be given a controlled matching activity and true or false reading exercise. At end of the lesson students will have a freer practice to produce the TL.


Abc Matching activity handout.
Abc Office worker flip flops out of a job.

Main Aims

  • By the end of this lesson, students will be exposed to some new vocabulary related to fashion, for example (cardigan, trainers and Jersey). Students will practice the different uses of models of obligation (present time).

Subsidiary Aims

  • Reading for specific information, for the true or false activity. To give the students oral practice.


Warmer/lead-in (5-10 minutes) • To get the students talking and introduce the target language.

Using visual aids (pictures related to fashion), elicit information from students about the pictures, and then explain what fashion victim means.

Oral practice. (5 minutes) • Get the students to talk in groups using the target language.

In groups students discuss some questions related to fashion: -you can judge a person's personality by their cloths. - cloths are more important for women than for men. - it's important to look smart at work and when you go out. - young people are more fashionable than their parents.

Matching activity. (5 minutes) • To expous the students to new clothes vocabulary.

The students will get instructions that they will work in pairs, then each student will get a set of cards to match with the pair's cards. Students do the exercise in pairs, then check the answers with the class.

Office worker flip flop out of a job. (10 minutes) • Reading for specific information.

The students read a newspaper article about a legal case related to cloths.

Grammar. (10 minutes) • Students will practice the different uses of models of obligation (present time).

Explain the role by writing some examples on the white board, and the ask the students some ccqs.

My perfect world. (10 minutes) • Free practice to produce the TL.

Students will imagine that they are living in a perfect world. Then they will write down a list of how things in a perfect world should be by using the TL.

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