fadwa fadwa

Telling stories ( urban legends ), phrasal verbs + past perfect contiuous.
upper intermediate level


The lesson focuses on the past perfect continuous, students will practice the structure and the use of past perfect continuous by following models through guided discovery, the lesson starts with introducing vocabulary about phrasal verbs, reading article about urban legends and practice on grammar. By the end of lesson students will ask to do some activities such as:visual, jumbled sentences and fill the gaps.


Abc worksheet
Abc worksheet
Abc worksheet
Abc pictures
Abc worksheet
Abc Pictures

Main Aims

  • The main aim is introducing the past perfect continuous to the students and let the learners differentiate between the past perfect simple and past perfect continuous.

Subsidiary Aims

  • The subsidiary aim is to give the studentents extra practice activities to differentiate between the past perfect simple and past perfect continuous


lead-in (5 minutes) • To know the knowledge of Ss and to revise the phrasal verbs.

Ask students to guess the meaning of phrasal verbs.

controlled activity ( mingling ) (5 minutes) • To learn the Ss the definition of phrasal verbs.

Ask student to find the definition of phrasal verbs.

controlled activity (5 minutes) • To improve reading skill and to get them be familiar with famous urban legends stories.

Ask students to read an article and answer the four questions about the urban legends.

controlled activity (5 minutes) • To give the students the opportunity to use dictionary and find out the meaning of words then tell the student to give the meaning of words between two groups.

Give each group a dictionary to check the meaning of words.

freer activity (5 minutes) • To make Ss create new sentences through using their imagination.

Ask students to look at the pictures and guess what happened in each one.

controlled activity (5 minutes) • To check ideas of the students and get the students is attention.

Ask students to listen to CD and find out if their guesses are right or wrong.

lead-in (5 minutes) • Show the use of past perfect continuous by using the timeline and give examples.

Ask the students what had happened in the pictures and explain the use of past perfect continuous.

controlled activity ( jumpled sentences ) (5 minutes) • To present the structure of past perfect continuous.

Ask students to put the words in order.

controlled activity ( filling the gaps ) (5 minutes) • To get the students choose the correct verb and matching it to the suitable picture.

Ask students to fill the gaps with one of the verbs from the list in the past perfect continuous.

Web site designed by: Nikue