Salma Alhamrouni Salma Alhamrouni

A formal letter of complaint
upper intermediate level


In this lesson, students will practice how to write a formal letter by following specific structure and pattern.First the students will rearrange a formal letter (a Jumble letter activity).The next stage is the data show, students will watch some samples, and some information about the structure of a formal letter. the end of the lesson will be a free writing activity to make the students produce the target language.


Main Aims

  • To provide students with the structure of writing a formal letter to complaints ,also to introduce some complaint sentences.

Subsidiary Aims

  • to practice extensive listening


warmer/lead in (5-8 minutes) • To engage the students.

I will show the students picture of open office and closed one and ask them: 1-Is it better to work in an open office or in closed\private one? Why? I will try to elicit the word interruption from the students, so they will know what the lesson is about.

the formal letter man (5-7 minutes) • to show the students the structure of writing a formal letter

The formal letter man is an activity that I create in order to simplify formal letter's forms.

a Jumble letter (15 minutes) • to check understanding

A jumble letter that was adapted from the global book p100 ,I will let the students order them and then I will provide them with the answer key. Then I will ask them to write a similar piece of writing ( a formal letter to complain)

video of formal letters (10 minutes) • to hit two birds in one stone , students will be listening and giving brief description of writing a formal letter

students will be listening and taking notes of some information about formal letters

role play (10 minutes) • To let the students practice some sentences of complaints.

students will be asked to perform a role play to each other using useful complaints sentences.

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