Mine Belet Mine Belet

TP 8 - 4D times
Beginner level


In this lesson Ss will learn how to tell the time.


Abc projector
Abc a ball
Abc answer key for w/s 2 on time
Abc Mix and match time words
Abc w/b
Abc Time cut outs for speaking exercise

Main Aims

  • To provide students with the knowledge and vocabulary needed to tell the time.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency in speaking and understanding the time.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Ball game with numbers. Ss will be given a number which they can't see. I will throw the ball to the Ss with number 1 and say 1. They throw it to number 2 and say 2. And this continues until the end of the game.Where they throw it back to me. The next round is with multiples of 5 - to prepare them for telling the time.

Language focus (8-10 minutes) • Ss learn time words using a semi controlled mix and match exercise

Put the time words on the projector. Try to elicit some from the Ss first to see if any of Ss know the words. Show the linking between the times , i.e. a second ---> (60 secs=) a minute ...etc. Try to elicit these. Drill them chorally/individually and highlight stresses. Give Ss w/s (time words) that they need to rearrange together. Ss work in small groups.

Language focus (8-10 minutes) • To provide an opportunity for Ss to learn to tell the time

Play a video on learning the time . Ss given w/s on time. They watch the video and fill in the gaps. Ss work alone and peer check. Take fb. Show the clock on the w/b. Explain and elicit the different times (o'clock, quarter past, half past , quarter to, 5 past,20 past etc) on the w/b.

Language Practice (semi controlled practice) with w/s and listening (10-12 minutes) • To provide Ss with an opportunity to practice and understand hearing the time

Gap fill: Ss given w/s 1 on telling the time. Give an example. Ss work in pairs and draw the hands of the time on the clock. Monitor. Ss peer check. Take fb on w/b Listening: Ss given w/s 2. Give instructions to Ss that they should listen (to me) and fill out the time. Repeat the times twice. Ss peer check . Ss check answer keys on the walls. Take fb.

Speaking (6-8 minutes) • To allow students to practice asking and giving the time

Elicit from Ss how to ask for the time. 'What time is it, please?' or ' What's the time, please?' Answer: It's quarter past three / It's three fifteen. Write on w/b. Drill a few. Ss given a card with the time on. Ss go around and ask each other the time.

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