Narelle Brownlie Narelle Brownlie

2B Shopping and Possessives
Level 4:08 level


Ss learn to talk about shopping and practise grammar 'possessives'


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Main Aims

  • To learn shopping vocabulary and phrases

Subsidiary Aims

  • Practise using grammar 'possessives'


Lead In • Introduce topeic of shopping

Ask S's Q's - What different things can you buy? - Different places where you shop / different ways to buy?

Vocabulary • Learn vocabulary - places and phrasal verbs related to shopping

Give each S. a copy of Vocabulary Bank sheet (P.154) NOTE: 1) 's = baker's (shop) 2) plurals = There are 10 bakers and 2 travel agents here 3) Charity Shops / Pound Shops / Craft Fairs 4) "personalized" signs - Jenny's bedroom / Peter's workshop 4) Gifts - "handmade" photo frames / "hand-painted" cushions / "wooden" signs

2 Team Vocabulary RACES • Test S's on the topic vocabulary

RACE 1: WHAT"S THE WORD?! T holds 22 definition cards T divides class into 2 teams - A and B Each team forms a line and each member of that line is numbered Corresponding numbers race each other to write on the board the correct word that matches the definition RACE 2: I WANT TO BUY......WHERE?! 2 Teams - Sheet A & Sheet B - Each team has 6 Students - 6 Q's Checking for correctly phrased and grammatically correct Questions AND Answers

Listening • S's practise L Skills

Listening Task (P. 19) - S's listen to 4 people talk about their local shopping street - S's complete chart on P. 19 of SB

Speaking • S's practise their Speaking Skills

Refer to P. 19 of SB Each student interviews partner about their shopping experiences.

Grammar • S's study grammar 'possessives'

1. Singular - John's pen 2. Plural - childreN = the childreN'S bedroom / men = meN'S toilets 3. Plural - parentS = the parentS' house / neighbours = neighbourS' dog 4. Two names - Tom and Mary are brother and sister = Tom and Mary's parents 5. Two names - Gill and David are friends (different families) = Gill's and David's parents 6. 'of' - Places & Things - the name OF the street / the back OF the bus / the top OF the bottle 7. 'of' - a friend OF mine / that husband OF yours / this plan OF theirs / a book of Jenny's 8. Possessive adjective + 'own' - I'd love to have my own car! / You can buy your own mobile! / Our town has its own library / Baker's often sell their own bread and cakes *****Hand out GRAMMAR WORKSHEET*************************** - S completes individually

Speaking 2 • S's practise their Speaking Skills

T. has 8 Question Strips. - "Something you bought..............?" T hands out 1 Strip per pair of students. Each pair must discuss and respond in 2 minutes max and then pass round robin to adjacent pair Remind S's Time Limit and exercise requires elaboration of the Q 1. was personalized for you 2. you bought directly from the person who made it 3. was a present for a friend or relative 4. made you feel better 5. was made locally 6. you couldn't afford but you just had to have 7. was eco-friendly 8. you later had to take back / return to the shops

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