s'nem ugurluay s'nem ugurluay

vocabulary,listening and reading
beginner level


This is a vocabulary practice lesson with the help of listening and reading in the context of ''free time'' .Its introduces a number of words and forms in order for the Ss students to understand how to use what they know and also to enlarge their vocabulary skills.It focuses the Ss on how to build correct sentences using some adjectives and prepositions to upgrade their level in speaking reading and listening.


Main Aims

  • To provide practice with vocabulary in the context of free time and also to improve reading skills with the help of tistening.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist reading practice using a text about activities in the context of free time and also to provide students with listening activities for them to check their own understanding.


warm up/lead-in (5-6 minutes) • To get the students interested in the topic

Write what is my freetime activity ? on the whiteborad. Play with the basketball. Listen to music. Go shopping. Sing.. watch tv play computer games.

Vocabulary Practice (5-6 minutes) • to give students practice of vocabulary

Put the pictures on the board. tell them to match them with the cards that are given to them. Put the words under the pictures. Check their answers. Drill. Give them FB.

Listening practice (4-5 minutes) • To improve their listening skills and also pronunciation.

Listen to the recording. Tell the students to repeat after the sentence. Drill.

Vocabulary practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide them with correct sentences

Divide the student into 2 groups Play a competition game. Each group will write as much sentences with freetime activities as they could on the W/B. whoever has the most will win.

Listening/pre-reading (9-11 minutes) • To provide the students with practice of vocabulary,listening and reading.

Ss listen to the interview. Twice if necessary. Give them the reading text. Give time to read. Monitor. What do Mike and Kim do in their free time? Ask the students to say three things they do. Give FB.

Reading (4-5 minutes) • To check understanding of the listening and reading

Give the Ss the T/F questions about the interview. Divide them into pairs. Monitor. Check their answers

Vocabulary Practice (7-9 minutes) • To provide the students with speaking practice with using the new vocabulary phrases

Put up Some cards on the walls with activity names on them. Ss choose which one they would like to do. Write ''what do you do in your freetime''? '' ''I dont like....... but I like ........'' Ss ask eachother ''what do you do in your freetime?'' Correct errors.

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