Ana Ana

TP8 - Grammar
Pre-intermediate level


Past Simple vs. Present Perfect


Abc My own Canva slides
Abc New Cutting-Edge Pre-intermediate (Cunningham & Moor), Longman 2005. p. 64 – 65 SB

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, the students will be better able to distinguish between present perfect and past simple with time words, in the context of ambitions and dreams.

Subsidiary Aims

  • 1. Ss will practice reading a text to identify instances of present perfect and past simple with time words. 2. Ss will apply their understanding, using these tenses in a speaking activity.


Warmer/Lead-in (6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Set up: Today, we're going to talk about ambitions and dreams. To start, we're going to create a 'Dream Board' together. Think about your ambitions and dreams, both past and present. A Dream Board is a visual representation of your goals and dreams. Consider what you wanted to achieve in the past and what you aim for now. Prompt: "Think about things like career goals, personal achievements, places you want to visit, skills you want to learn, etc." For example: 'I wanted to become a doctor when I was younger' or 'I have always dreamed of traveling to Japan.'" Task: students write their dreams and ambitions in Jamboard. Now we try to guess who wrote each sentence. Feedback: we discuss together about the authors of the sentences and highlight the most interesting ones. Transition: "Now that we've thought about our ambitions and dreams, let's read a text about different people's ambitions. We'll see how they use the present perfect and past simple tenses to talk about their experiences."

Exposure (8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Set-up: We will read this text about different people and their ambitions over the years. Whose experiences in the last few years are the most surprising or the most interesting, do you think? Task: students read and share their thoughts with the class. Feedback: open class feedback. T nominates 2 or 3 Ss to give their answers Transition: now let's see how different tenses are being used in the text.

Highlighting (3 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Set-up: "We will look at the text again to identify present perfect and past simple examples. Note the time expressions". Task: Ss tell the teacher where the examples are. Feedback: highlight some examples and the time expressions used. Instruction: "Now, let's move on to analyzing how these tenses are used."

Clarification (10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Set-up: "Now, let's clarify the meaning, form, and pronunciation of the present perfect and past simple. Task: review the differences between present perfect and past simple. Pay attention to the time expressions used with each tense. Feedback: ask Ss if they have any questions and clarify if necessary. Transition: Next, we'll practice these tenses with some exercises."

Controlled Practice (8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Set-up: "I'll send you a handout with the exercises. You are going to work in pairs-" Task: in pairs Ss complete Exercise 1 on. Choose the correct tense for each sentence. Feedback: show the answer key and ask if there are any questions about the answers. Conduct open-class feedback to review the answers and discuss any challenging sentences. Transition: "Now, let's move on to an speaking activity to use these tenses in a communicative task."

Free Practice (10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Set-up: "For our final activity, we're going to use what we've learned about the present perfect and past simple to discuss personal experiences. In pairs, discuss the questions in Exercise 2. Share your experiences and use the present perfect or past simple as appropriate." Task: Students discuss their personal experiences based on the prompts provided. Feedback: "After discussing with your partner, we'll have a brief whole-class discussion. Please share interesting stories or experiences you discussed." Transition:"Great job today! Let's see some feedback."

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