Nissma Nissma

GPC - Unit 1
Pre-Intermediate 1 level


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Main Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation and debate in the context of self-introduction

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of words yo can use when introducing yourself


GTKY Activities (8-10 minutes) • To get to know the students and break the ice

1. Would you rather...: The Ss will have 3 questions to ask their partners. Each S will ask 3/4 Ss. They will see who they have the most in common in with. 2. Spin the wheel: Wordwall link. Each S will answer a question.

Warmer/Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Each S will ask their partner 3 questions. Content feedback: The Ss will tell the rest of their classmates about their partners' answers.

Mind-map (4-5 minutes) • To elicit information from the Ss

1. Elicit: When you introduce yourselves, what do you talk about? 2. Write the students' answers on the board (mind-map).

Speaking - Traits (17-18 minutes) • To activate the student's background knowledge about personalities

Task 1 (4 Ss, 5 groups): Describe your family members: a) Each S will write notes about their family members (3 minutes). b) Ss will talk about each family member. c) I will monitor and write down the personality traits they use. Task 2: Who is your role model? Why? Same steps as Task 1. WB: Write the positive traits on the board. Task 3: What qualities you don't like in future friends? a) Elicit the qualities. b) Write them on the board

Speaking - Interests & Hobbies (10-15 minutes) • To activate the student's background knowledge about hobbies

1. Each S will have a table with 3 questions and they will ask 10 Ss and write down their answers. 2. They will see if they are similar to these Ss. 3. I will write the hobbies on the WB.

Speaking - Opinions (15-17 minutes) • To promote critical thinking

4 Ss, 5 groups: 1. Each S will write down two questions to ask about their classmates' opinions about certain subjects (3 minutes). 2. They will take turns in asking their questions. 3. They will write down the names of the Ss whom they agree with. 4. I will monitor and take notes. 5. Content feedback: I will ask them to tell their classmates about what they talked about and who has the most similar ideas to them.

Debate - Online Identity (8-10 minutes) • To allow the Ss to express their point of view

1. The Ss will write down an advantage and a disadvantage of having an online identity (1 minute). 2. I will divide their papers into two piles (pros and cons). 3. Each S will take a piece of paper from each pile and try to convince the whole class of this point of view. 4. Ss will determine who was the most convincing.

Online Profile (8-10 minutes) • To allow to Ss to tap into their imagination

1. Each S will fill out their new profile using a new identity (5 minutes). 2. I will hang the papers on the wall/WB. 3. The Ss will read the profiles and write (+) next to the profiles they would want to add on social media. 4. The Ss will try to guess who the profile with most plus signs belongs to.

Expressions (5-7 minutes) • To provide the Ss with new expressions

1. Each pair will have a piece of paper with an expression written on it. 2. Using this expression, they will try to come up with a funny sentence. (3 minutes) 3. I will ask each of them to read the sentence out loud.

Productive Task(s) (20-25 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

1. Brainstorming (4 minutes): Each S will write some notes to be able to introduce themselves. 2. I will divide the Ss into two groups: The first group will introduce themselves (talk about all of the things we mentioned in the mind-map). The second group will write answers in the handout. 3. The second group will then look at the answers and see which Ss would likely be good friends and write their names. 4. They will switch roles. 5. The Ss who would be good friends (according to the Ss), will sit next to each other at the start of the following session.

Feedback and Error Correction (6-8 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

Content feedback: Ask the Ss why they chose these Ss to be best friends. Linguistic feedback: Write correct and incorrect sentences on the WB and let the Ss decide whether they are right or wrong.

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