Copy of Copy of Copy of Listening Past Simple Lesson
A2 Elelmentary level
Main Aims
To provide students receptive skills by listening for gist and specific information
Subsidiary Aims
To encourage students practice their productive skills of writing and speaking using simple past tense.
Procedure (23-42 minutes)
I show pictures of my grandparents and my father and me and tell students our story. Inorder to get students familiar to the listening text, I introduce them with World War Two and dates it started and ended.
I give students the handouts explain that we will be listening to TESSA, showing the little girl on the picture. I will ask them to listen and tell me what she is talking about.
After the first listening if I do not get an answer to my initial question I will make them listen once more. When I get the answer of great-grandfather I will ask his name.
I will ask students to look at Exercise 1 on the hand out and listen to the audio once more and try to reply to the 4 questions. I will demo the first question of ''Where was George born ? In Poland By playing the audio upto that point. When they will ask them to check their answers with their friends sitting next to them. Then we go through the questions whole class.
I ask students to look at exercise 2 where there are 9 match the two parts of the sentence and put the verb into past form. I will demo the first one running the track until ''Tessa only knew her...... If they cannot complete on the first listening, I will make them listen once more but this time I will stop the recording after the intended sentences. When they are all finished I will ask them to check the answers with their friends sitting next to them.
I give the handouts to students and pair them. I ask them to ask the 5 questions on exercise 3 to their pair. When the time is up, we ask if they have learned interesting information about their partners grand-parents.
If extra time is left, I will ask students to discuss in pairs, about the Second World War, why it started and if there is a possibility of a Third World War? Why ?