Introductions and countries
A1 beginners level
Main Aims
To introduce and practise basic introductions: what`s your name? Where are you from? and What`s your job?
Subsidiary Aims
To introduce subj pronouns: I, he, she and possesive pronouns - my, his, and her
Procedure (61-62 minutes)
Ball game. Sts say their names. Intro - Hello what`s your name? My name`s .....and yours? If sts are OK add: Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you too. (Milling)
Show visuals: Putin / Bond Elicit the dialogue: A: Excuse me B: Yes. A: Is your name ..........? B; No it isn't. My name's ....... B: Yes, it is. A: Oh, I'm sorry. A: Aha. A letter for you B: No problem B: Thank you A: Not at all. Milling - sts walk round and find who to give their letters.
Show world map: Elicit - countries. Use visuals to elicit some countries Pairs - brainstorm countries - Turkey, Brazil - pass paper (1 min) H/O: Demo the activity - What's number 1? It's ........... Match - check with answer sheet. Elicit stress patterns: O o Turkey. Match stress patterns - relay game or in groups. Drill countries.
Flexi-stage. Game practising (guessing in groups). Are you from .........? Yes I am No, I'm not.
Set up listening. Show visuals Tourist Businessmen Where is he from? Where are they from? Is he a tourist? Are they tourists? Listen x1 (sts check in pairs) Group task: Order dialogue. Listen x2 (check order) - answer sheet on wall. .
Sts read dialogue - practise. Re-elicit dialogue and act out in pairs.
Visual: James Bond - Vladimir Putin Elicit dialogue: Hello Hi. What`s your name? Bond, James Bond and you? Vladimir Putin. Where are you from? I`m from England. I am English. You? I am from Russia. I`m Russian. What is your job? I am a secret agent and you? I am President of Russia. Yeah. Right. Elicit and drill. Half class. Pairs. Milling with famous people/
Visuals: Tarkan Angelina Jolie. Elicit: name? from? job? Drill Gap-fill and answer key
Sts in groups play the guessing game. One st asks the Qs. Other sts answer to gain the most cards.