Gloria Zamudio Gloria Zamudio

The cost of crime
Upper intermediate level


In this listening lesson, students will learn about the cost of crime and vocabulary related to law. The lesson will begin with a lead-in asking students to share experiences related to the prision system in their countries. They will be asked why they think some criminals commit crimes again when they get out of prisson. Then, pre-teach vocabulary "offend/re-offend/offender" "deterrent/to deter" "sentence/to be sentenced" to prepare them for listening. Following with that, they will listen to a discussion from a news programme about the prison population in the UK. For gist task, they will aswer 3 questions in Google forms, then they share answers in breakout rooms. For listening for specific information, they will answer more specific questions about the costs of crimes. They will be handed the audio transcript to check their answers. Finally, for post activity they will discuss about a situation that has happened in their country or something they saw recently in relation to crimes.


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Main Aims

  • To provide listening practice for gist and specific information in the context of crime

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification in the context of law and crime; "offend/re-offend/offender" "deterrent/to deter" "sentence/to be sentenced"


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students in the topic

-Show a slide with a picture of a judge and crime related things (book, handcuffs, gavel) and have learners guess the topic and talk about a few questions related to the topic. Questions: What do you know about the prison system in your country? When criminals leave prison, do they often commit a crime again? If so, Why do you think this happens? -Students answer in an open class discussion to build confidence in the topic.

Pre-Reading/Listening (5-7 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

-Show a slide with 3 short sentences of situations related to crimes and costs, including the words to teach and a picture to help them infer meaning from them. -Explain each sentence by highlighting the words and asking concept-checking questions to clarify definitions. Offend/re-offend *If someone offends, do they follow the law or break the law? (break the law) Is offending something good or bad? (bad) *Deterrant, to deter Is a deterrent meant to encourage or discourage people from doing something? (discourage) Do we use a strong punishment to deter a crime? (yes) *Sentence to be sentenced Is a sentence a punishment or a reward for committing a crime? (punishment) If someone is sentenced to prison, do they have to go to prison or stay free? (go to prison) -Show a new slide to look at the form of the vocabulary closer, ask students if the word is or can be used as a noun, a verb or adjective. Use the same context for the example sentences to help students focus on the form of the words. Example: The person was given a sentence/The person was sentenced. -Pronounce the words together and ask students where the stress of the word is. This stage is done in OC to save time and correct mistakes effectively.

While-Reading/Listening #1 (5-8 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

-Explain learners the gist task, then show the Google forms. “You will now listen to an audio from a news programme about the prison population in the UK. These are the first questions you will answer, so try to look for those ideas and answer as you listen. You don’t need to focus on specific words and don’t worry if there is something you don’t understand. Okay?” -Learners listen to the audio once. The audio is 3 minutes long, and they only get 1 minute to check their answers before discussing in pairs (via breakout rooms) before OCFB. -Teacher monitors the progress in each breakout room. -Teacher brings them to the main session and discuss answers in OCFB.

While-Reading/Listening #2 (9-12 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

-Tell learners to listen carefully again, this time looking for specific information. Explain the Google forms. “Please look at these questions, then you will listen to the audio again to find the answers. Pay attention to the numbers of the costs. You will have 3 minutes to listen and answer at the same time, I'll give you time to check your answers later, okay?” -Learners will answer on a multiple-choice task individually. -Teacher sends the audio script to allow them to check their answers before submiting. The learners check the answers for 2 minutes and submit before OCFB. -Teacher discuss answers in OCFB.

Post-Reading/Listening (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

-Learners respond to the content of the text by discussing questions in pairs (via breakout rooms). Questions: Do you know any similar situation in your country? Or have you seen any of these problems somewhere? Tell us about it. Include as many details as possible. Example: “I don’t remember any recent situation in my country, but I just watched a movie about a criminal who was sentenced for several years. He was an old man, and when he got out, he tried to re-offend because he only felt safe in prison. He got lonely and depressed trying to become a member of society again." -Teacher brings them to the main session and asks students to share what they talked about in their groups. -Conduct feedback on the task. Delayed Error Correction (DEC).

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