nevra kalpaklıoğlu nevra kalpaklıoğlu

Teaching Practice 1- Past Simple-to be & Lexis(Weather Condition)
Elementary (A-1) level


In this lesson, Ss will practise Past Simple-to be forms and weather vocabulary, which they have just got familiar with in the previous lessons. They will learn to use the TL in questions and make sentences in the right context through speaking and writing activities. Whole Class Activity and Pairwork Activities will be applied.


Main Aims

  • To give Ss practice in speaking for accuracy and fluency in the context of someone’s last holiday and the weather.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To give Ss controlled and freer practice in the simple past of “to be” (was/were). To give Ss the opportunity to practise weather vocabulary.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

-Ss watch a youtube video to make predictions about weather vocabulary. -T makes the Ss listen and repeat the words chorally. -Ss practice the words through the same video exercise which asks Ss to predict about the target lexis in the pictures. - T asks questions during the video exercise to check if they have memorized some part of the target lexis. -T asks Ss to complete her sentences -What is the weather like in this picture? - Is it hot or... ? etc.

Useful Language 1- Pronunciation for weather words (3-5 minutes) • To clarify the pronunciation of the TL

T hands out a worksheet including the target lexis and their uses in the sentences. T projects the same worksheet to show pronunciation. T points out the stress on the white board as they repeat after her first chorally, then individually. Ss read the sentences out loud to prepare for the coming 'past simple-to be' forms. T asks some CCQs to check if they've understood. - 2nd Question.- Do you need an umbrella today ? No. - Is this sentence in the present or in the past ?In the present. Drill open class

Useful Language 2- Practising Past Tense "to be forms" and pronunciation (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify meaning,form and pronunciation of the target language

Ss open page 54 on their coursebooks, and T nominates students to read the sentences on Ex1. T delivers a WS, which includes a similar map in their coursebooks. S/he projects the worksheet on the board. Ss try to fill in the sentences on the worksheet individually. T makes sure if the Ss can use the target lexis and grammar correctly as in the following sentences. 1. It was hot and sunny in France,with temperatures of 27. 2. In England it was sunny and warm yesterday, 15 degrees. 3. In Scotland,it was cold and snowy, 5 degrees. 4. In Greece, it was hot and sunny, with temperatures of 33. 5. In Spain, it was sunny and hot, 30 degrees. 6. What was the weather like in Italy yesterday ? ( Give the temperature detail.) It was sunny and warm,with the temperatures of 20 degrees T monitors them as they try and help if they ask/need. T asks for the answers to the whole class and Ss report back to the T. T writes the correct answers on the white board as the Ss answer.

Productive Task(s) (18-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

T delivers each student the worksheet which she has already cut in half for A & B pairwork activity. First,Ss complete the missing parts in the question prompts in the worksheet-individual work. Ss tell the correct answers and write the correct form on the board.(Drill open class) Then,Ss read about their own holiday on the same worksheet and T explains that they are going to take turns to exchange information with their partner about a holiday they have had. Ss ask the questions and take notes as their partner tells about his/her holiday. Teacher monitors them during the PW, help Ss if they ask/need After the practice, T uses the whiteboard to highlight the common mistakes during their PW.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language through a writing exercise.

-Ss use their notes to form a paragraph about their partners' holiday and when they finish, they will compare it with the original text - Teacher monitors them as they write and give feedback individually if the ask/need.

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