Jobs: Yes/No Questions, Short Answers
Beginner level

Main Aims
To introduce and practice the singular form of 'to be' in yes/no questions and short answers in the context of personal information.
Subsidiary Aims
To provide oral controlled practice of the target language.
Procedure (41-55 minutes)
Draw Ss attention to slide 1 of "Projection Materials". Model wiith one card and have students pin adjectives to images from page 17. If students aren't getting the idea, model with all of the names. Hand students remaining cards to tack to the board. Check answers with class.
Prepare students for HO "Activity 2B.5" Point at picture of Karl. Is Karl a doctor? (YES, HE IS.) Is he a musician? (NO, HE'S NOT). Is he German? (YES, HE IS.) Should student answer in full, short-answer form, ask them repeat it alone to get students accustomed to form. Show students the worksheet. "Do the same thing here. Tick the correct answer." (1-2 minutes) Handout. Students work independently. (1-2 minutes) "Check with your neighbor." Post answer sheets at front of the room. Ss check their answers.
Elicit first question on Activity 2B.5 from student. Answer: "No." Post picture of cat. Elicit the same question from another student. Answer: "No, he isn't." Post picture of dog. Highlight that we use the short answer to sound more polite.
Group students with Cards: Use Projection Show students slide 2 from Projection Materials. Elicit answers. Show worksheet. "Do the same thing." Students work in pairs. (2-3 minutes) Project answers on board. Put up pictures while students work. Put up picture of doctor, along with cards "He is a doctor." Model creating question form. Hand out strips to students. Students form questions. Check with class. Choral Drill Questions:: WC, GR, S Write short answers with mistakes under each picture. Ss correct the mistakes. Highlight contractions using fingers to count words. Choral drill short answers in same manner as before.
Model the task by using the questions we've already created. Handout Activity. Have students complete individually. Regroup using projection. Students check answers with their peer. Project answers on overhead. Call on a student to model the task. Students work in pairs.
Students group up according to face of cards Project image of Roberto. Elicit the question form for information. Is he Spanish?/ Is he a police officer? / Is he married? “Do the same”—give students hand out. Students write questions individually. Check questions with partner. Hand answer sheets. Students check their questions against answer sheets. Pull up next screen with Roberto. "I'm A." Who's B? Model question- answer with students for all three. Tick correct information. Correct incorrect information. "Do the same." Monitor. Ss compare their answers with partners (A-A) (B-B)
Model with students as they finish. Allow students to mingle to interview their peers.