Taryn R. Nash Taryn R. Nash

Everyday Objects
Beginner level


In this lesson plan, students learn the use of a/an and singular/plural in the context of everyday objects. Students explore new vocabulary through the use of realia. Learners then focus on the use and form of the indefinite articles a/an and singular/plural through individual and group work.


Abc Realia
Abc Print out from Face2Face pg. 12
Abc Projector/Overhead
Abc Extra Activity

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of indefinite articles (a/an) and singular/plural nouns in the context of everyday objects

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of common everyday objects.


Opening Option 1 ::Warmer/GTKY (8-10 minutes) • To get to know the Ss and to help them get to know one another; engage students in speaking from the beginning of class.

Write information about myself in jumbled sentences. Ss work in pairs In pairs, to unjumble sentences. Check with pre-prepared cards that will be tacked on board. Add two more sentences to the board, one about favorite football team and one about a some noticeable similarity I have with a student in the classroom (i.e., My eyes are blue. I have blond hair.) I have blue eyes. (point to eyes) Does anybody else have blue eyes? (point to class), etc. If students aren't catching on, go around looking at their eyes until I find someone with baby blues (or whatever the example is). Elicit from matching student. "I have blue eyes." Respond with: "Me Too." Write "Me Too" on board. Find another student who fits the example. Have them say "Me Too." Provide another example if students aren't catching on. Once students are comfortable with the concept of "Me Too". Pass around the handout. Give students 3-5 minutes to mingle and find people who has similarities with them.

Pre-Teaching Vocabulary (8-10 minutes) • To provide vocabulary for everyday objects using realia, to present learners with form.

Pull out bag and ask students "What is this?" Elicit bag or backpack. "Good, it's a bag. Good it's a backpack." "What's in my bag?"... Give students a few seconds to make guesses, if any. Begin producing items one by one and elicit object's name from students. Respond with right. "I have an apple." Pass item around to students. Drill each term a few times. Continue with all 10 items. As students pass around all the items, tack pre-prepared cards to the board with terms. Note language features, spelling, stress, etc. Go one by one and have students return items by calling for them by name. Elicit the name of the item returned from the student who brings it, make sure they're using the article. Have the class repeat.

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the use of the indefinite articles a/an

Look back at words on board. Demonstrate that we call these 'nouns'. Tell Ss we can make two groups from words we've learned. See if they can guess what it is. Have students manipulate papers and organize into a/an Students fill in gap in cards differentiating between consonant sounds and vowel sounds. Check students understand consonant sound by eliciting consonant sounds from students. Repeat with vowels. Write samples on board. Ss work individually to add the articles. Check with partner. Point out that we use an with an adjective + noun, as in English dictionary

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To check vocabulary and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Show students image from Page 12 on overhead. Lead students through example of matching items to name. "What's this?" Use item from previous vocabulary presentation. Hand out photocopies of image from Page 12. Ss work in pairs to match items. Elicit answers by pointing and asking, "what is this?" Look for a/an. Drill. Students look for objects that are the same from previous vocabulary presentation. Work in new pairs, assign by using names of fruit.

Clarification (5-8 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Demonstrate plural and singular using realia. Have bits from Unit 1D part 7 on board. Explain rules Usually +S After C+Y (elicit consonant once more) --> IES After CH --> ES (mention that s, sh,ss,x ending words are pluralized in the same manner) Irregulars Produce a word. Ss assign it to group. HO 'Table' and 'Plural CO'. Ss work in groups to put the words where they belong. Check together. Ask students to provide an example of pluralizing. Ss come to board. Hand out "Plurals HO". Students work together to fill in blanks. Note there are extras. Answers will be posted in corners. One member of each group can grab an answer sheet and group can check together.

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

Produce a word. Ss assign it to group. HO 'Table' and 'Plural CO'. Ss work in groups to put the words where they belong. Check together. Ask students to provide an example of pluralizing. Ss come to board. Hand out "Plurals HO". Students work together to fill in blanks. Note there are extras. Answers will be posted in corners. One member of each group can grab an answer sheet and group can check together.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Time Allowing. Extra material from pg. 98 of student work book. Students will work in pairs.

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