mayela mayela

elementary level


In this lesson students will learn about comparatives in the context of vacations. The lesson starts with a lead in where students compare cities then they have a reading for gist and intensive and a controlled practice where they have to complete and they finish talking about a city they would go on vacations to.


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Main Aims

  • To provide practice of comparatives in the context of trips

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide scan and detailed reading practice using a text about vacations
  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a conversation


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T will share the screen. Ss will look at a picture of three different cities and some adjectives on the board. T will ask students how are the cities different?

Exposure (5-7 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

T will share the link of the next activity. T will share the screen. Ss will look at a reading activity. T will explain: Ss will have 2 min to read the text and then they will have to match the pictures with the place (3 minutes). Answer: T will conduct an OCFB.

Highlighting (7-8 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

T will share the link and the screen for the next activity. T will explain: Ss will have to read the text again but this time they will have 4 min to do it. After they finish reading they will have to choose which sentence is false (3 minutes). Answer: 1. true, 2. true, 3. true, 4. true, 5. false T will conduct an OCFB.

Clarification (9-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T will go throw the MFPA slides. Ss will look at the meaning slide. Meaning will be clarified using the language from the activity before. CCQs will be use to clarify the meaning: How do you know the Sels Hotel is smaller than the Shokran Hotel? Answer: Shokran Hotel has 39 rooms whereas Sels Hotel has 126 rooms. What does it say about the weather in each place? Answer:Cairo is 30º and Sharm El Sheikh 26º. Does noiser mean louder or more expensive? Answer: louder What makes you think Cairo is probably more crowded? Answer: it says Cairo is a busy capital. How do you know The holiday in Cairo is cheaper? the price in Cairo is 1,490 Euros and in Sharm El Sheikh 4 is 1,670 euros. What do all these sentences have in common? Answer: They are comparing the cities. This activity will take 3 minutes. T will share the link for the form activity. Ss will look at the form activity. T will explain : Ss will have to complete using sticky notes the rules for comparatives. They will do this in groups. Ss will have 3 minutes to do the activity. T will ask Ss: Which word do we often use after a comparative? Answer: Than T will get to the pronunciation slide. Ss will see one comparative sentence, it will have the stress part of the sentence in bolds. T will explain that the word than is unstressed, she will also share the pronunciation symbols. T will point out the schwa symbol and explain that schwa is the unstressed sound for vowels. T will explain schwa. Ss will practice the schwa sound on some words. This activity will take 3 minutes.

Controlled Practice (5-6 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T will share the link for the controlled practice activity. T will share the screen. Ss will look at the activity. T will explain: Ss have to complete the sentences using the comparative form of the adjective on the brackets, using than if necessary. Answers: 1. more beautiful than 2. more interesting than 3. nicer than 4. busier than 5. cheaper than 6. better than 7. safer 8. more popular Ss will have 5 minutes to complete the activity. T will conduct and OCFB.

Free Practice (8-9 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T will share the free practice link. T will share the screen. Ss will look at a chart they will have to complete. T will explain: Ss will have to put a check on the place they think is bigger, more crowded, more expensive, more beautiful etc. At the end they will answer: of both places where would you go on vacations. (3 min) After the choose they will be put on groups in BOR so they can tell their partner why they chose that place. (4 min) Example: I chose Acapulco because Acapulco is cheaper than Miami beach. etc. T will put students back into the main room for some DEC. Teacher will use the Controlled practice exercise. T will share the screen for them to see some of the sentences with errors and ask them how they can improve them. T will include some that were well done and congratulate Ss. (2 min)

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