Elementary level
Main Aims
To provide scan, detailed and deduction reading practice using a text about taking naps in the context of a news article.
Subsidiary Aims
To provide clarification and practice of verb+noun collocations in the context of a news article on Metronaps.
Procedure (44-50 minutes)
Put on board. How many hours sleep do you get a night? Do you feel tired all the time? In pairs Ss discuss for 2 mins. No feedback.
Show Ss picture of Metronaps. Put on the board: ---- - nap ---- - shower --- - drink What do you do in the picture? Elicit collocations. Put up weak form of 'a' in collocation then model and drill. READ THE ARTICLE AND CHECK YOUR ANSWER IN PAIRS. 2-3 MINS READ QUICKLY! Quick feedback.
Read the article in detail. Answer the questions in pairs. Clearly show the questions before passing them to the class. 4-5 mins. Class feedback on the WB. Do the Ss agree?
Put the sentences in order of the story. Groups of 4. Individual group FB. Put on board. Do you have a nap during the day? Would you like Metronap? Ss discuss Feedback.
In pairs review the text and find the collocations. Put spider diagram on the board with have, go and get. Eg. Have a shower. EXPLAIN INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE GIVING OUT HO. Give out handout for Ss to complete. Ss come up and write the collocations on the board. Do they all agree? ******Optional extra******write: a shower dressed breakfast classes a break lunch Ss decide as a group what spider diagram they go on. Teacher writes them on the board.
Put playing cards on the table. 1 Ss at a time comes up and acts out the playing card for the Ss to guess. Ss puts the card on the board. At the end model and drill the lexis. Phonetic script weak forms: /tə/ = to /ə/ = a
What’s the difference between the underlined phrases? I go home at 6:00 and I get home at 6:15. I wake up at 7:00 and I get up at 7:05. Ss discuss in pairs then FB as a class. Write synonyms travel, arrive, open eyes, get out of bed above the collocations.