Ana Ana

TP6 - Functional Language
Pre-intermediate level


To make suggestions and discuss problems.


Abc New Cutting-Edge Pre-intermediate (Cunningham & Moor), Longman 2005, p. 85
Abc My own Canva slides

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, students will be better able to use functional language for making suggestions and discussing problems.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Students will develop their speaking skills and fluency through controlled and freer practice activities using the functional language for making suggestions and discussing problems.
  • Students will understand the meaning, form, and pronunciation of functional phrases related to making suggestions and discussing problems.


Warmer/Lead-in (5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Set-up: Show pictures of famous coffee shops and ask students if they know them. Also ask them to discuss their favorite coffee shops or cafes and ask them: "What makes a good coffee bar?" Task: Students share their thoughts and discuss what they like about these places. Feedback: Highlight common themes or interesting points raised by the students. Transition: Transition into the main topic of the lesson, explaining that they will be discussing how to improve a coffee bar and focusing on language related to making suggestions and discussing problems.

Exposure and Gist Task (7 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Set-up: Provide students with the task from page 85 about improving the Paradiso Coffee Bar. Ask students to quickly skim the text to identify the main points related to making improvements. Individually, students are asked to consider the main change or improvement they would prioritize for the Paradiso Coffee Bar, based on the discussion points provided. Task: Students work individually to identify the key areas for improvement. They are instructed to write down, in one or two sentences, the key change or improvement they believe is most important for the coffee bar. Feedback: Discuss the main points as a class and check understanding. Transition: Explain that they will now focus on the language used to make suggestions, discuss problems, and reach conclusions.

Highlighting (2 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Set-up: Display the expressions for making suggestions and discussing problems on the board or on a handout. Explain that these expressions will help them communicate their ideas effectively when discussing improvements for the coffee bar. Task: Go through each expression and provide examples of each one related to improving the coffee bar. Feedback: Ask students to repeat the expressions after you. Correct any pronunciation errors. Transition: Explain that they will analyze these phrases in depth.

Clarification (10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Set-up: Present the functional language expressions on Canva. Task: Discuss the meaning, form, and pronunciation of the target language expressions. Feedback: Provide examples and ask students to practice using the language. Transition: Explain that they will now practice using the language in controlled and freer practice activities.

Controlled Practice (10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Set-up: Provide students with the task from page 85 about improving the Paradiso Coffee Bar and divide them into groups. Task: Students work in groups to discuss the questions and come up with ideas for improvements. Feedback: Each group presents their ideas to the class, focusing on the functional language used. Transition: Highlight the functional language used in the task and introduce the aim of practicing this language in the lesson.

Free Practice (10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Problem-Solving Activity: Set-up: In this activity, students are tasked with helping the Paradiso Coffee Bar, which has seen a decline in sales during the afternoon hours. The owner has requested the staff to brainstorm ideas to attract more customers during this time. Task: Working in groups, students are asked to generate creative strategies to increase sales during the coffee bar's afternoon hours. They should consider promotions, events, new menu items, or any other innovative ideas. The goal is to create a plan that is both imaginative and practical. Feedback: After developing their ideas, each group will present their plan to the class. Students should listen to other groups' presentations and consider how these ideas could be applied in different business scenarios. Transition: After the group presentations, we will move into the DEC (Delayed Error Correction) stage. I will provide feedback on language errors and offer suggestions for improvement.

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