Griselda Guzman Griselda Guzman

Upper-Intermediate level


Abc Navigate Coursebook

Main Aims

  • To introduce and practice causative have and get in the context of types of memory.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide speaking fluency practice with the target language.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Ask students: Which one of you thinks you have a good memory? Wait for some answers and then say: I am going to test your memory to see how much you can remember. Are you ready? Screen share g-slides to the slide where all the objects are. Say: Class you have 30 seconds to look at the items. I'll stop sharing my screen and then I'll ask what items you remembered. So, how many seconds do you have to look at the items? 30 sec. Starting now. After 30 sec, stop sharing screen and ask 3 students to name the items they remember. Congratulate students for remembering the items.

Exposure (7-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Gist- Have students listen to the audio 12.1 and 12.2. Ask them to listen for the different types of memories. As they listen, invite students to drag the correct memory type to the blanks (A-F) Ask students if they are able to use all the words to complete the diagram? Yes. Play both audios for students to listen to. Go over answers in OC. Call on students to share answers who haven't participated yet. Answers: A. Short-term B. Long-term C. Implicit D. Explicit E. Episodic F. Semantic Intensive- get students to notice the target language. Share screen with students and ask them to pick the word that best goes with the sentence. Share g-form link with students and invite them to open the link. Give students 1 minute to choose the correct answer. After 1 minute, go over answers with class. 1. So in our experiments, we had/got the subjects describe their first kiss. Answer- A. Had 2. We also asked them to tell us when they had/got their car stolen. Answer- A. Had 3. Semantic memory is for pieces of information, like the name of your hairdresser when you need to get/have your hair cut. Answer A. Get 4. Dan had/got us to learn the different types of memory. Answer- B. Got

Clarification (12-15 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Meaning: Screen share with students the google-slides. Show students activity on matching the meaning of each phrase by moving the arrow to point to the meaning. Ask students if they are moving the phrases or moving the arrows? Answer= moving the arrows. Give students 2 min to complete. Go over answers with students. A. goes with 1. Make or ask somebody to do something B. goes with 4. Describe a single experience that happened to you (often a bad one) C. goes with 2. Talk about a service that you pay for D. goes with 3. Say you will not tolerate a piece of behavior Ask students which word is usually informal have or get? Get is used more informally when we speak. Form: Screen share with students my google form on the form of the phrases. Ask students to choose the correct structure of each sentence. Give students two minutes to complete. Go over answers with students. Answers: 1. A. Have + object + infinitive (without to) 2. B. Have + object + past participle 3. A. Have + subject + infinitive (with to) 4. B. Get + subject +infinitive (without to) Pronunciation: Screen share my google slides with students and get them to listen to me repeat the sentences. Ask the students to tell me what words are stressed in the sentences. There are 5 words that are stressed in both sentences. We had the subjects describe when they met someone famous. We also asked them to tell us when they had their car stolen.

Controlled Practice (3-4 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Ask students to rewrite 3-4 sentences using the structures we just learned. Share google slide link with students. Make sure everyone can open the link. Give students 2 min 30 sec. to complete task. 1. Somebody stole Dan's wallet from his car. Answer: Dan had his wallet stolen from his car. 2. The policeman required us to fill out a great long form. Answer: The policeman got us to fill out a great long form. 3. Somebody recorded Dan's information, while Dan waited. Answer: Dan had his information recorded while he waited. Go over answers with students and give feedback.

Free Practice (8-9 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Divide the class into two groups A and B. Have students read through their text and prepare their questions. They will need to make questions using the structures we learned to find out the missing information from their partner. Give students 3 minutes write questions to ask to their partner. Put students into pairs or trios (if there is an odd number of students.) give students 4 minutes to ask each other their questions. Listen for correct and incorrect sentence structure and do DEC after the 4 minutes are up.

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