Ahmed Adel Ahmed Adel

Copy of Robots in today's world
Pre-Intermediate level


In this lesson, students work on vocabulary and listening skills through the medium of F2F Pre-Intermediate Unit 5A pg.36. The lead in will elicit the new vocab.The first group activity will require the groups to engage in discussion of three of the new vocab words, with secretary making list(s). The second is a phrase match activity, by making the most logical pairs. The listening exercise will involve ticking the phrases that occur within the audio as well as a true/false section.If time allows, review of the past continuous tense using inventions as the topic.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of verb-noun collocations in the context of inventions

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide specific information and detailed listening practice using a text about robots in the context of present day and future presence.


Warmer/ Lead In (8-10 minutes) • To introduce new vocab and engage ss

Images of new vocab will be shown to class to represent the topic of inventions. Ensure invention is understood, use the pic if necessary. Use the examples Whiteboard, Eyeglasses and Cellphone along with the date they were invented. Once the invention is clearly explained (confirmed with ICQ's), ss will be split into groups and asked to list other inventions. Each group will then share their most important invention with the teacher.

Vocabulary Work (10-12 minutes) • To add further vocab and engage their use

The three main inventions will be the focus; television, cars and computers. Have the group choose another secretary to write their discussion on which one is the best/most important and why. Switch topic to another invention, robots. Has anyone watched a movie on robots? Were they good or bad? Can robots help us or make our lives easier? Can they hurt us or be bad for us? Everyone stands up. Who would like their own robot? Yes in one group, no in another. While standing in their group, another new secretary will take down their group's thoughts on why they do or do not want one. Once finished, have each side share a few reasons.

Verb-Noun Collocation Flash cards (6-8 minutes) • To further define the vocab words, what inventions do

Flash cards will be passed out to each pair of students and one set for the teacher on the board. New vocab phrases/words will be gone over again. Students will have time to match up the two groups. Afterwards, ask a few ss to come up and place them correctly on the board and then go down the list and ask students if they think robots can do each of them.

Listening (13-15 minutes) • Begin with easier phrase grab and then specific

Go over list of phrases for the grab portion and have the students repeat for correct pronunciation. Play audio Explain the meaning of They+will=they'll and they+will+not=they won't and then explain the next time, they need to say if the following statements are true or false Follow with CCQ's Play audio and and repeat if necessary

Review (if time permits) (3-5 minutes) • To go over past continuous Tense

By using the vocab words, construct question that would require answers in the pas continuous tense: -Who has a TV? What were we doing before the TV was invented? We were listening to the radio. If even more time, you can add on to the vocab -Who has a car? How did you get to work before you had a car? I was taking the bus to work. -Who has a cellphone? What did you use before you had a cellphone? I was using the phone at home.

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