Ievgeniia Balkis Ievgeniia Balkis

The future:will, be going to, Present Continuous
Intermediate level


In this lesson students learn about Future Simple, be going to, Present Continuous in the context of cleaning out the room


Abc Picture of IAN and LIZ
Abc Ex.9 Choose the correct verb form
Abc R 5.6
Abc ex.5 Match these sentences to things a)-e) in the picture
Abc R 5.3
Abc ex. 6 Grammar clarification
Abc Teacher's handout . Write negative and question form of will and be going to
Abc R5.5
Abc R 5.4

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of Future Simple, be going to , Present Continuous in the context of clear out the room, sort out the things

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification of phrasal words: pile, sort out, throw away, give away in the context of Get rid of it, clear out a room.
  • To provide specific information listening practice using a text about sorting out the things in the context of clear out a room


Warmer/Lead-in (0-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I tell that my mother in law comes to visit me and I need to clear out the room for her. In this story I am going to use vocabulary from the TL, will try to explain the meaning in the context.

Exposure (5-5 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Picture of Ian and Liz on the board. Students look the picture. Answer what Ian and Liz are doing.In pairs ss talk what is in piles 1-3, what Ian and Liz will throw away, give away, keep. Look to the picture. What are they doing? Why are they doing this, you think? Discuss with your table what is in the piles 1-3.(2) WC FB - check if they get all the words. Wright unknown ones.

Highlighting (5-5 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Give HO ex.5. Don't unfold please. Match these sentences to the things a)-e) in the picture. Work in pairs. We will listen to the Ian ans Liz's conversation. Listen and check. Answer on the board.

Clarification (9-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Give ex.6 handout. Ss look at the sentences 1-3 from the 5a. Then fill in the gaps in this rules with will, be going to or the Present Continuous. Students do part a,b. Check the answers. Then SS do c) part. Check the form with whole class. Check the meaning with CCQ. These jeans are torn! I'll throw them away! Somebody knocking the door...I'll answer the door! (we use will when we decide to do something at the time of speaking.) Did I plan it? NO/ It's spontaneous. She's picking them up tomorrow evening after work. (Pr.continuous when we have arrangement with the other person) What tense is this? Present. When will action happen?IN the Future or in the Present?-Future. But we know when, with whom we are meeting. So we need to use here Pr.Cont. We are going to the cinema this Sunday. What tense is this? Present. When will action happen?IN the Future or in the Present?-Future. But we have arranged the tickets, we know which cinema we are going and what we will watch. So its arrangement and we have to use Present Continuous. She is going to read a letter. (prediction,that is based on present evidence). Did she start reading? no, but We can see her opening a letter, wearing eyeglasses and getting ready to read).

Help with Listening (5-5 minutes) • cover the pronunciation of the TL

Ss listen to the recording 5.4 and write the sentences you hear. You will hear each sentence twice. check in pairs. What are the ways we can say going to? Match the sentences you wrote to the meaning 6a and 6b. Ss listen the recording R5.5 and practice pronunciation.

Controlled Practice (5-5 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Ss read the rest of Ian and Liz conversation. Practice listening for the specific information. Choose the correct verb form. On your own. Check in pairs. Ss answer What does Liz do when Ian leaves ?

Free Practice (5-6 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Task: write two things you have arranged to do, two things you have planned to do and two things you will probably do in the next four weeks. Write individually. Talk in pairs/small groups about our plans. Teacher monitors. Error correction on the board.

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