Aicha Aicha

Telling The Time
Grade 2 level


In this lesson students will learn how to tell the time. First they will describe what they see in the first slide and discuss why we need to know about time in our life. Ss will mention the main components of a clock: short hand and long hand and what they refer to. athey will practice reading time on different colorful watches. They will have a listening practice about the word stress in the vocabulary they've just learnt. They will work in pairs to say different versions of time. They will learn what "am & pm" are. Then they will have a speaking activity in which they will tell what time they do different activities during the day. Finally they will write short phrases to tell what time it is in the clocks they have in the handouts. Depending on the remained time they'll sing a song about analog clock and how to read time.


Main Aims

  • To provide the students with clarification and practice of telling the time

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide students with speaking and writing activities about telling time.


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Students will answer the questions : what do you see in the pic? why do we need to learn about time? After that they'll see some pictures of wall clocks.

Exposure (4-5 minutes) • To provide the students with new way of telling the time.

The students will see the clock with the new vocabulary of telling the time. They will practice how to tell the time in a different way. They'll do drilling one by one and as whole class.

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the new vocabulary of telling the time

The students will have a handout in which they'll be able to read comfortably time

Clarification (5-8 minutes) • To clarify the order Ss should follow when reading time

The students will see and read the slide They should pay attention to order (minutes+ past or to + hour). They will have their handouts with the times they'll ask and answer their friends as pair work.

Controlled Practice (6-8 minutes) • To concept check their knowledge of when using the words "past" and "to" to tell time

They ask each other about time in the wall clock and answer in pair work

Semi-Controlled Practice (4-5 minutes) • To concept check their knowledge of telling time

They will see the picture on the slides and have a discussion about the different activities they might do during their day. They will ask and answer questions in pairs.

Freer Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with a freer practice of telling and talking about the time

The students will have to write correctly clock time on the handouts

Extra Activity, sing a song (3-5 minutes) • To concept check their knowledge about reading time

let students be engaged in singing all together to enhance their understanding in a fun way

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