Mariam Mariam

Grade 6 level


In this lesson, students are going to learn new facts about palm trees and the names of different parts of trees based on a reading text and a fact file. They are also expected to answer the follow-up questions to check their understanding.


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Abc PPT slides.

Main Aims

  • To provide scan reading practice using a text about "What is a date palm?" in the context of food and date industry in Egypt.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of usages and benefits of dates.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1-Greet the students and set some lesson-related pictures on board trying to engage the students by eliciting their expectations of today's topic. 2-Ask ss to discuss the questions revealed on the board in pairs and tell me their partners' answers. ICQs: -Will you write your answers? -Will you speak to your partner?

Pre-Reading (6-9 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Introduce the anticipated unknown words to the students: 1-Parts of palm tree e.g. stalk, fruit, seed, trunk (pictures): Display a picture including a palm tree and some dates then ask the students to fill in the gaps with the suitable word using the words on the side bar. 2-Oasis (n) (definition & picture): Give the students the definition of an oasis (an area in the desert that usually has little water and some trees). Give the students the 5-7 seconds to get the word, drill it and then display the picture of an oasis. 3-Cultivated (v) (context): My dad cultivated a new orange tree in our garden. Can you give me another meaning for "Cultivated"? Give the students 5-10 seconds to drop their answers. Drill the word and then reveal it on the board.

While-Reading #1 (13-14 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist reading task

After the students have learnt the new words, give them 1 minute to read the following questions: -In which area in Egypt do dates grow? -Which family of plants does this tree belong to? -How long ago does cultivating date palm trees start? -How many seeds are there in a date fruit? -What conditions do date palm trees need to grow? -What color dates can be? Require the students to prepare their notebooks for writing the answers of these questions. After that, ask them to start reading the text for gist for 8 minutes. -Let the students discuss their answers in pairs. (2 minutes) -Nominate for feedback and giving answers. (2 minutes)

While-Reading #2 (10-11 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading task

For this stage, Ask the students to get into pairs (to change pairs rather than the first set, Grab a number of show laces and hold all the ends of them together. Let the students grab one of them and see who would be at the other end, so they can form pairs). Ask them to check five different numbers in order and reread the text for 5 minutes individually to extract what these numbers refer to and then check their answers with their partners. Asking ICQs: 1-How many numbers do you have? Five 2-Will you search for numbers only? No 3-Will you read the text again? Yes 4-Will you read together? No 5-Will you check your answers with your friend? Yes -Give a whole class feedback by raising hands if they want to give me the answer.

Post-Reading (3-5 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

In the last stage of this lesson, students will be asked to read another fact file for gist about the uses of date palms and match the headings with the suitable text of three ones. 1-Show the headings. 2-Let the students read individually for 2 minutes. 3-Match the headings and give me the feedback as a whole class.

Follow-up task (3-5 minutes) • to provide extended speaking based on what they've read and learned.

Give the students 2 questions that their answers depend on real life and their own experience. Ask them to discuss in a group of three for 3 minutes. If we still have more time, we can have a feedback of each group. 1-What things do you have in your home that come from the date palm tree? What part of the tree are they from? 2-Which other plants do you know that grow in Egypt and have different parts we can use?

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