Yashar Yashar

diploma TP v0
elementary level


Abc HO 2

Main Aims

  • To provide accuracy
  • To provide practice and clarification
  • To provide gist and detailed

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide
  • To provide specific information
  • To provide review of the past simle and the present continuous


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

First of all, I'm going to ask the class about wether or not they have ever dreamed about becoming an astronaut, especially as a child, more as a type of rhetorical question. By giving them a background knowledge about the very first people who set foot on the moon. In this way, I get to review the past simple tense as well as engaging them for the upcoming lesson.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

At this point, I'm going to elicit and check some information about the topic specific vocabulary that I had already chosen from the passage, such as Earth's orbit. In the meantime, I would also provide them with HOs featuring only pictures of the planets of the solar system as well as some simple facts such as their appearance and size, so that they can sort out the order and names of them. This sorting out will be done in pairs.

Presentation (10-12 minutes) • To have a gist task to check their prediction and then reading for more details.

First, I'm going to ask them to skim the whole tesk and answer the related questions. Then, once they have finished doing it on their own, I'm going to pair them up (closed pairs) to check their answers together. Then, I'm going to ask them some CCQs to check their understanding of the reading passage.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Here, I'm going to highlight the crucial words that we just worked on and after giving them an exact explanation (such as pronunciation, meaning, collocation and even connotation perhaps), I'm going to drill by first modeling and then choral drilling, so as to teach them the proper way but also involving them in learning the words itself.

Free practice (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Finally, I'm going to end the lesson by having them involved in a mingling activity, in which I seperate the class in 2 different groups, The spaceships and the destination. Those who hold the card featuring the name of a spaceship (distinguished, of course) have to go around and find their target object which could be a planet, moon or .... . By asking questions refering to information such as the orbital period, name origin and discovery date they can find their match.

Web site designed by: Nikue