hamad suwalem hamad suwalem

TP 8
A1 level


In this lesson, students will practice the functional language of invitations. The students will practice listening for specific information.This lesson also will help the students to identify the right intonation to express interest.


Abc face2face pre-intermediate Redston & Cunningham, 2005: CUP
Abc Google pictures
Abc Hand outs
Abc white board

Main Aims

  • to provide students with the practice of functional language of invitation

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide listening practice for specific information


warmer (5-7 minutes) • to set lesson context and to engage students

* tell ss about two of my friends I haven't seen for some time. tell ss that they are coming to Istanbul. * ask ss what I should do to elicit" invite" & write invitation on WB. * ss talk in groups about their friends and when they last saw them *

Listening Practice (10-12 minutes) • to drill students to listen for specific information

* focus ss on the photo. Ask ss who the people are & what they are doing * pre teach vocabulary - babysit---er, arrangement * check meaning, provide modal * show the word stress * give time to ss to read questions EX.2 (1-3) * ss listen to CD and answer the questionbs * check with the whole class

exposure of the functional language (10-12 minutes) • to introduce how to express invitation

*ss do EX 3a & 3b on their own. * peer check & then with class. get FB *on WB, write a sub. table the four headings with their right expressions. * check the meaning, drill the pronunciation * check the form with ss

pronunciation (5-7 minutes) • to provide modelling and drill of how to show interest and copy the polite interest

* ss listen to same sentences twice to say which voice sounds interested * help ss with 1st two sentences * modal and ss repeat

controlled speaking practice (8-10 minutes) • to encourage students to us TL in speaking

* ss look at the script of the two conversations * ss sit in a group of four * get a pair A+B to practice conversation 1 in EX. in closed pairs and then other A+B in the group practice conversation 2. * monitor and check mistakes * get feedback from each group .

freer practice (10-12 minutes) • to encourage students to us TL in speaking

* ss look at the dairy page and notice how entries are written * ss draw the same in their notebooks * ask ss to think of four things they would like to do. and write them down in their NBs * tell ss they can invent if they don't have any. * ss stand up and walk around the class to invite each other to do the things together * if they say yes for arrangement, they should arrange when & where to meet * If no to invitation, they should give a reason * if agreed, they need to write that in their diary * finally ss get in pairs to tell each other about their arrangements for next week

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